
Non Violent Protest Research Paper

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Non-violent Protests in the 21st Century Non-violent protests have been used as a means to promote change in situations of inequalities. Examples of non-violent protests that have been used during the civil rights movement include boycotts, sit-ins and marches. Some methods proved to be effective encouraging a negotiation and quick resolution. A good example would be the 13-month long boycott of the Montgomery bus that ended when the federal district court ruled in 1956 that bus segregation was unconstitutional. Other times protestors were treated with hostility and brutality such as on Bloody Sunday. When protestors are met with violence should they in turn become violent causing riots, vandalism, arson and looting? Exhibit A, on July 17, …show more content…

There was mass destruction and civil unrest during the grand jury hearing from August 2014 through August 2015. In order to gain justice, a vast majority of minorities have gathered together numerous times to protest for justice. Some of these protestors, filled with contempt have resorted to violence as a form of releasing negative energy. This form of retaliation should not be a consideration in the demand for justice. Damage by protestors ended up costing Ferguson, Missouri taxpayers over $20 million. Twenty-five businesses were burned down, 80 people arrested; police and civilian vehicles were destroyed. The people of Ferguson believed violence was the only means their outrage of injustice would be heard or get a reaction. The result of the Ferguson case was international media coverage, changes were made to the abusive municipal court, and committees were formed to look into the social conditions that fueled the unrest such as the county’s history of racism. In our society in the 21st century some protesters seemed to have forgotten the words of some of our greatest leaders of all time. Martin Luther King Jr., an advocate for non-violent protests stated in Letter from Birmingham Jail “Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever.” King also stated “The Negro has many pent-up resentments and latent frustrations, and he must release them. So let him

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