
Night Eating Disorder Research Paper

Decent Essays

Human eating disorder is defined by any range of negative disorders that is distinguished by the distortion of eating habits. In addition, from these eating disorders comes illnesses such as anorexia, bulimia, purging, NES (night eating syndrome), and binge eating disorder. As humans we should take knowledge and consume the importance and widespread of eating disorders from technology in teenagers. In my argument I am attempting to prove three different types of eating disorders. The three disorder in human anatomy are Anorexia, Bulimia, and Night Eating Syndrome (NES). Anorexia is a life threatening disorder that makes oneself starved, and viciously lose weight. Anorexia is an internal illness that most people suffer from. It makes them …show more content…

NES is characterized by a delayed circadian pattern of food intake. Consistently consuming most of your calories between the dinner hour and breakfast time is a warning sign of night eating syndrome, or nocturnal eating syndrome (NES). NES is a serious eating disorder that has been linked with depression, stress, hormonal imbalances and abnormal sleep patterns. Night Eating Syndrome is a disorder just as important as Anorexia or Bulimia, yet is very similar to Bulimia. And it is to be taken very seriously, so discontinuing this would be a factor. If you suspect you or someone you know has Night Eating Syndrome (NES), do something about it. Night Eating Syndrome can have a dramatic impact on a person. Seek professional counseling immediately (Raisman). Individuals with night eating syndrome feel like they have no control over their eating patterns, and often feel shame and guilt over their condition. Night eating syndrome affects an estimated 1.5% of the population, and is equally common in men and women, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Those with night eating syndrome may be overweight or obese. They feel like they have no control over their eating behavior, and eat in secret and when they are not hungry. They also feel shame and remorse over their behavior. They may hide food out of shame or embarrassment. Those with night eating syndrome typically eat rapidly, eat more than most people would in a similar time period and feel a loss of control over their eating. They often eat when not hungry or when their already full. In addition, after this they feel full of embarrassment. Portraying an image of rosy red cheeks, and tearful eyes. People With this disorder often eat late in the evening. Consuming snacks high in calories, and are highly unhealthy. Then eat little to nothing in the mornings. Traits of patients with night-eating syndrome may include being overweight, frequent failed attempts

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