
Argumentative Essay On Eating Disorders

Decent Essays

Mariah Raveling Ms. Frehse English 3.3 6 Oct. 2017 Eating Disorders Around 10-15% of all Americans suffer from an eating disorder. “More than 7 million women suffer from an eating disorder whereas only one million men suffer from an eating disorder” (Mirasol). In modern society, we are surrounded by media and images. Both men and women struggle to meet the expectations set forth in magazines, websites, and on television. The pressure to imitate the ideal body can lead many down unhealthy paths. Teens today face a lot more challenges which leads them to illnesses like Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge eating. Although there are a lot of similarities in this disease, the differences can also affect people differently, which means different treatments are required. Anorexia is an eating disorder that struggles with the fear of gaining weight and refuses to be healthy. Another eating disorder is Bulimia, which is when you overeat followed by forced vomiting and excessive exercise. Binge Eating is one of the most common eating disorders along with Anorexia and Bulimia, Binge eating is when you lose control over one’s eating. All of these common eating disorders all suffer from guilt or depression. “Individuals with bulimia and binge eating eat large amounts of food to reduce stress” (CEDC). They also could have risky behaviors, such as dealing with drugs or alcohol or even death. People with Anorexia or Bulimia are very concerned with being overweight or in other words fat. There are many different reasons Anorexia is different from Bulimia and Binge eating. According to the Cambridge Eating Disorder Center the, “Low pulse rate, sensitivity to cold, loss of hair, etc.” are signs and symptoms of Anorexia. Bulimia’s signs and symptoms are swollen glands, puffiness in face, petty of stealing money to buy food” (CEDE). Binge Eating and Bulimia are the most alike but there are a few differences that points them out. Eating alone, possible history of marked weight fluctuations, eating when not hungry, etc. are all similarities between Bulimia and Binge Eating. Treatments are a huge part of getting back on the right track. Some treatments are harder than others but in the end, many will get to the right place. One of the

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