
Nicolaus Copernicus Research Paper

Decent Essays

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer. Who had discovered what most had believed in the early 1500 that the Earth was the centre of the universe but in fact the centre of the universe was rather the Sun than the Earth. And that the Moon and planets revolved around the Sun. Although his model was not entirely correct
Although Nicolaus Copernicus was not entirely correct if he had not contrived the formula it would have not built a strong foundation for future scientist and astronomers to build on humanity understands of the world, universe and heavenly bodies. As he was also researching his theory he had also discovered that every 1 year, the Earth revolves around the sun and that the Earth takes 24 hours to do a full 360 rotation on its axis.
One of the astronomers that had later on discovered Nicolaus Copernicus’s model was Galileo Galilei. Galileo Galilei had developed the telescope and having perfected the telescope he was able to later on establish that Nicolaus Copernicus’s theory was factual. Thou the Nicolaus Copernicus had …show more content…

Nicolaus’s mother Barbara Watzenrode was the daughter of the wealthy Toruń Patrician and city councillor, Lucas Watzenrode. Whilst the father of Nicolaus was later traced to a village in Silesia near Nysa.At the age of 10 his father had passed away and was then taken in by his uncle. During the young ages Nicolaus had not studied the education that was necessary. As he Nicolaus grew older he studied painting and mathematics, which then he developed an interest in in astronomy. He was educated in the University of Padua in 1501 to 1503. Nicolaus spent several years investigating the movements of the heavenly bodies and, in 1515; he had sent copies of his discoveries to other astronomers. After further study Nicolaus published his theory in a book called ‘On the Revolution of Heavenly

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