
Nicolaus Copernicus Research Paper

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Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer who believed the Sun was at the center of the universe

and that the Earth revolved around it. Copernicus was born on February 19th, 1473. He was the son of

Nicolaus Copernicus who was a merchant, and Barbara Watzenrode who was the daughter of a merchant

family. After his father died in 1483, he was taken in by his uncle. Copernicus later enrolled in the

University of Cracow and assumed an administrative position just below that of bishop. Copernicus then

went to the University of Bologna in 1496 to study canon law. Here he lived with an astronomy professor

named Domenico Maria Novara and he also made his first astronomical observations here. In 1501 he

went to the University of Pauda where …show more content…

He moved to Frombork in 1510 and stayed there the

rest of his life. Here he wrote the Commentariolus that shared his new cosmological idea about a

heliocentric universe. He was also working on On the Revolutions. He never saw On the Revolutions

published until he was on his deathbed and died on May 24th, 1543.

The current idea that people believed in at the time was the geocentric model. The geocentric

model showed the Earth being the center of the universe and the rest of the planets revolving around it.

This idea was introduced by Ptolemy to explain how the planets moved. However, the geocentric model

did not follow Aristotle's requirement for the uniform circular motion of planets. Copernicus then thought

he could follow this requirement by using a heliocentric model of the universe where the distances of the

planets from the sun had a direct relationship to their orbit size.

His information, however, did not completely invalidate the geocentric model. The contributions

of other astronomers hundreds of years later eventually provided enough information to prove the

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geocentric model wrong. Galileo, by using a telescope, observed that Venus and Mercury went

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