Gun violence has gotten out of hand. People are able to get them and use them on others with little to any resistance. Although many people think the laws should be changed to fit this generation, it’s harder than it sounds. It takes a lot of thought and agreement to amend laws. Even if they could be amended to being stricter, all citizens wouldn't be willing to follow them. Stricter gun control laws, which would be difficult to agree on, would not be effective in controlling gun ownership/availability and would be hard to enforce. Politicians would have a hard time coming to an agreement and citizens still believe in the second amendment and their gun rights. The congressmen from different states would have different opinions on how to change the laws or if they …show more content…
This has been the case in the past. The federal government has created laws or regulations that states did not agree with. There are fifty states, and the chance they will all agree is highly unlikely. Some may choose they do not want to make the laws part of their constitution. In that case, more laws would need to be made in order to keep an ineligible citizen from leaving their residential state and acquiring guns from states that do not follow the same laws. Some states may choose to overturn the laws. Citizens would have unpredictable responses where not all of them would be in compliance. A black market makes a lot of money off illegally sold firearms and would benefit from stricter laws. Regardless of the firearm is legal or illegal, the black markets all over America have sold them. This would only increase if more firearms were made or illegal or harder to acquire. To enforce the laws over black markets would be difficult. Already, the markets operate under current laws, regardless that it isn’t allowed. The government would have to take a lot of steps and spend tons of resources and manpower to find and stop
Putting stricter gun laws in place in order to regulate what types of guns and ammunition citizens can buy are regulated by the Second Amendment and the National Firearms Act of 1934. The purchasing of semi-automatic weapons and automatic weapons manufactured prior to 1986 are legal in most states. ( However, recent events point to the government needing to regulate what types of weapons are allowed to be lawfully owned in this county. In the last 10 years, five of the deadliest shootings have occurred in the U.S. Dating back to 1949, of the 30 deadliest shootings, 18 have been within the last 10 years. ( The use of AR-15 rifles has become increasingly popular during mass shooting events however, semi-automatic handguns are also used. (
Guns are a major problem in our society and the numbers of these gun-related murders are continuing to rise. On top of the murders you also have people losing their lives through misfire and gun-related suicides. The total death toll of all gun-related deaths averages over 30,000 per year in the U.S. ( I believe that enforcing stricter gun laws will contribute to getting these numbers lower. The numbers do not lie, we as a society have a problem with gun-violence and we need to do something to fix it.
Statistical analysis about states in the U.S. proves the correlation between strict gun control policies and deaths related to firearms to the least extent. According to an article published by Richard Florida on CityLab, a research shows that states with stricter gun control have fewer gun-related fatalities. The study in the article was conducted by researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Public Health. Researchers measured “legislative strength” of gun control policies in each state using data from Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Specifically, the elements that the researchers include when accounting for “legislative strength” are:
Mass shootings have been at the top of the headlines recently in the United States. These shootings are causing a major impact on those who reside in America. Something must be done immediately to bring down the frequency of these shootings so that one can be safe anywhere. There are many ways to stop this devastation that is bringing America to tears, but the most effective is to have stricter gun laws in the country. Control laws must be more harsh in order for there to be a decrease in mass shootings across the country.
In today’s society the majority of the crimes are still being committed by people who have possessed a firearm that has been obtained illegally or without proper permits. That being said there has been a strong push for gun control because of the rise of shootings involving a large group of people such as the Columbine massacre, Virginia Tech shooting and latest Aurora movie theater shooting involving people who have purchased firearms legally. Gun control laws in the United States have been established for many years but to maintain a civilized society with limited crime stronger control laws need to be enforced in which will help reduce crime in our country. Establishing stronger gun control laws will educate
Gun violence in the United States is higher than ever, and criminals with guns will “…kill as many as 1000 people each day” (Alpers&Wilson). Taking this into perspective, it is only right to fight fire with fire or, in this case, use a gun to protect yourself and those around you. Gun control does not only decrease the ability for protection, it also decreases our rights as U.S citizens. The constitution clearly states that we are given the right to bear arms, meaning we may carry fire arms. Even if we have stricter laws for guns, it will not stop killers from shooting innocent people. These men and women causing damage to the lives of numerous individuals do not care if there is a law banning guns, because all they truly want to do is
Gun control laws are not always effective and that is why each year they are improving them and making them to where they can be more effective. One of the laws that was the most effective was the Brady act which required all individuals that were interested in owning a gun to have a background check that was implemented by the federal government (Kwon, & Baack, 2005). This act has had a very positive impact on the crimes rates and has helped protect our society. There are many articles that show that with stricter gun laws being implemented that there are a decrease in crimes being committed throughout the United Stares (Kwon, & Baack, 2005). Studies show that countries who have low gun ownership have fewer gun related deaths. In reality if
The rule of law, gun control legislation, and public administration are intertwined on every level. The promulgation of every constitutional right afforded by the second amendment is being dissected following the recent tragedies in Nevada and Texas. Administrative law is the mechanism that controls governmental power given to administrative branches and agencies. Following the passage of the Administrative Procedure Act, the definition of “administrative law began a new journey. The shift from “public law” to the new state administrative procedure gives legitimacy and authority to state action (p. 90, Beckett, 2010). It is important to note that the three types of rules that govern the behavior of administrators, substantive regulations, interpretive rules, and procedural rules are all under current scrutiny as related to the issue of gun control legislation and public safety (p. 91, Beckett, 2010).
To start with one of the biggest reasons why the United States is really trying to control guns is because of the notorious Al Capone. As many would say, especially back in the 1920’s, the most “infamous” gangster in American history or Al Capone is most well known for his acts of violence against other gangsters.(“Al Capone”, 2016) In 1929 Capone had Jack Mcgurn, a hitman, pose as a police officer and kill seven men from a rival gang.(“Al Capone”, 2016) After this “Valentine 's Day Massacre” there was a lot of heat on Capone and co. and President Hoover called for the government to finally catch and jail him for tax evasion.(“Al Capone”, 2016) Capone was eventually arrested and jailed and in from 1934 to 1938 President Franklin Roosevelt imposed numerous new penalties on
Over time politicians are always looking for new things to make laws about and regulate. This is no different with guns. Overall the democratic party tends to be in favor of stricter gun laws, with wanting more regulations placed on legal ownership of firearms rather than criminals. The Republican party has tended to be less focused on restricting gun ownership. The first politician that comes to mind when I think of gun regulations is Kevin de Leon from the California Senate. He is very left wing and very uninformed when it comes to guns. Just last June, Mr. Leon wanted to pass 11 more restrictions or laws on legal gun owners. “Large ammunition clips: Bans possession of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 bullets. Bullet buttons:
The government already has many laws that prevent citizens from purchasing them. “Gun laws exist at the federal, state, and local levels, each implementing a particular and distinct set of laws regarding certain rules and regulations on the possession, carrying, and purchasing of firearms” (A Full Overview of Gun Control). Innocent citizens are not the problem, criminals are. There are laws established that forbid certain people from acquiring guns, but yet they are still able to acquire them. If the delinquents break the gun control laws now, they will still break stricter gun control
In the course of history gun control and mass shootings has always been an issue, but much too often, history has been being made. Gun control is an understatement for what actually is being implemented. The process to get a gun, for example, a rifle, is all too easy. Let me personally walk you through this gruesome process . First, you walk into the store, second you pick your desired weapon, third you walk to the cashier to do a background check, finally you buy the gun. The hardest part about that process was choosing the actual weapon you want. With little gun control comes more mass shootings, and with more control comes less mass shootings. Obtaining a gun is much too easy, and needs to become more strict, or even
Gogol's disconnected relationship with his parents is one of the main reasons why he rejected his Bengali heritage for an American one. In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri, one of Gogol's biggest trials in his life, involves his Indian heritage and his want to be American. His relationship with his parents, and their Bengali culture, affects his feelings towards Bengali culture, and, being rebellious, vouches for the American Dream. Gogol's first unnatural experience with Bengali culture occurs when he enters elementary school. A Bengali tradition is that one person is supposed to have two names.
Having laws to prevent a gun to be bought will not prevent anything from happening and will affect mainly two types of people. Law abiding citizens who account their protection from guns and people who want to use guns for iniquitous reasons. The difference between them are that criminals will nevertheless have the ability to obtain them illegally, similar to many other illegal things in the U.S. Some supposedly illegal substances that are not allowed in any state in the U.S are methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and oxycodone. However, these drugs are still available and accessed effortlessly for people in prolific amounts. The simple acts of banning or calling for additional gun-control laws unquestionably does nothing but make citizens helpless when help is needed.
The term sweatshop came from Britain in the mid-nineteenth century. According to Annie MacLean, the world’s first female sociologist, there were the workers who were “sweated” for their production of the goods; then, there were the employers, or “sweaters”, who profited directly off those goods (MacLean 1903). A sweatshop does not refer to an exact building/location or a certain demographic amongst the employees, but rather the environment in which employees must work. Shockingly low pay rates, filthy work atmospheres, and unconscionable working hours are the main conditions that characterize a sweatshop (Ross 2004). When Americans hear the word sweatshop, their heads go immediately to third world countries or places such