The rule of law, gun control legislation, and public administration are intertwined on every level. The promulgation of every constitutional right afforded by the second amendment is being dissected following the recent tragedies in Nevada and Texas. Administrative law is the mechanism that controls governmental power given to administrative branches and agencies. Following the passage of the Administrative Procedure Act, the definition of “administrative law began a new journey. The shift from “public law” to the new state administrative procedure gives legitimacy and authority to state action (p. 90, Beckett, 2010). It is important to note that the three types of rules that govern the behavior of administrators, substantive regulations, interpretive rules, and procedural rules are all under current scrutiny as related to the issue of gun control legislation and public safety (p. 91, Beckett, 2010). …show more content…
It disseminates the rules by which citizens must live to maintain an orderly society. It can also be said to be what gives rise to the “rule of law” and presents that everyone must follow the law. Therefore, it is public policy that utilizes the three types of rules to help improve the overall function and regulation of administrative law and public sector agencies. For example, in the political cartoon by Foden, there has been controversy over Second Amendment Rights and New Hampshire’s support of the amendment is being seen as a political issue in the political arena for not only media but also campaigns and scholarly study. Many people believe that prohibiting or altering the right to carry infringes on one of their constitutional rights, which has created a public issue or problem and creates the need and a call for public policy. In some states, such as Illinois, there have been laws put in place to allow for stricter gun control policy’s to resolve the
For the purposes of this paper "Gun Control" is defined as policies enacted by the government that limit the legal rights of gun owners to own, carry, or use firearms, with the intent of reducing gun crimes such as murder, armed robbery, aggravated rape, and the like. So defined, gun control understandably brings favorable responses from some, and angry objections from others. The gun control
The article “Gun Control Laws: Should the United States adopt stronger gun control laws?” focuses on the debate on passing stricter gun control laws. For example, supporters believe that gun control laws will decrease mass shootings and gun violence. Additionally, adopting these laws does not violate the Second Amendment, and as a result it does not limit the government from the use of fire arms when it is necessary. However, opponents argue that the gun control laws will not stop gun violence. The problem is the people holding the gun and not the gun itself. Furthermore, opponents gathered that stronger gun control laws do violate the Second Amendment. The author illustrates the debate on whether the United States should or should not adopt stronger gun control laws.
Today, we have discussed the current situation of gun ownerships in the U.S., and the tragedies associated with the abuse of guns. My proposal is to pass more gun control laws or policies to ensure a safer country. Consequently, one possible solution could be a background checking system which will effectively limit the opportunity for criminals to own guns. Nevertheless, until today, Americans have not reached consensus on gun control laws. At the end of my speech, I won’t urge you to sign on any “Gun Control Petitions”. But, maybe after today’s dinner, you would like to have a talk on gun control with your friends. And maybe you would like to think about the benefits you derive from the freedom of firearms, and also the losses you bear at
In 2000, nearly 30,000 people died due to uncontrollable gun violence, even though the US has many gun laws. Gun control is now one of the main political issues because of all the shootings in the past decade. There have been many studies taken on gun control, which shows more gun-control decreases deaths with a gun involved.
America needs to institute, and initiate gun control laws throughout the entire nation. But not everybody who inhabits the United States believes in regulating arms. Those who are against establishing gun laws argue that gun control directly infringes upon their “right to bear arms” granted to them by the 2nd Amendment. Anti gun control supporters, such as the National Rifle Association, often claim that the act of regulating guns is a sufficient reason why such an Amendment was introduced in the constitution; to protect themselves from any and all forms of violation of civil liberties and freedom. Supporters of anti gun laws are unwilling to welcome any interpretations of the 2nd Amendment that do not match up “word for word,” as was written in the Bill of Rights.
Gun control is an issue that poses a greater threat the safety of the American public than almost any other issue, including terrorism. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports, “from 2001 to 2013, 406,496 people died by firearms on U.S. soil.” By comparison, the State Department reports, “between 2001 and 2013, there were 3,030 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism.” While many in Congress have publicly discussed the threat and importance of fighting terrorist groups such as ISIS, gun violence is a more substantial threat, yet no major gun control policy initiatives have been passed.
Gun control and conceal-carry legislature has long been a topic of debate that boasts complex arguments for both second amendment rights and general safety. A key component of gun control lies in the question of allowing personal firearms on college campuses. Emphasizing sexual assault, many campuses are reaching out to allow permit holders to carry concealed weapons. A study by the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault found that one out of every four women will be the victim of sexual assault at some point in her academic career. Keep in mind that there is a significant under-representation of attacks as many sexual assaults go unreported. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that the over 50% of rapes and sexual assaults
Gun control and conceal-carry legislature has long been a topic of debate that boasts complex arguments for both second amendment rights and general safety. A key component of gun control lies in the question of allowing personal firearms on college campuses. Emphasizing sexual assault, many campuses are reaching out to allow permit holders to carry concealed weapons. A study by the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault found that one out of every four women will be the victim of sexual assault at some point in her academic career. Keep in mind that there is a significant under-representation of attacks as many sexual assaults go unreported. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that the over 50% of rapes and sexual assaults
I got a golden ticket. I’m not worthy. To all of my dear Liberal friends who still believe that putting even more restrictions on guns is the proper response to the mass shootings that happen in America I am writing to tell you that you are wrong. I understand how putting restrictions on guns sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t. Germany which is considered the strictest country on gun control laws has suffered yet another attack upon its populace using guns. A gunman armed with a handgun shot and killed nine civilians and injuring another twenty-one in a MacDonald’s restaurant. Laws prohibiting law abiding citizens from owning guns will not stop Islamic terrorists or other criminals from obtaining firearms, and even if it could it would not
The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people. As a country the United States has approximately 270,000,000 guns. Both categories top the world. 22% of gun owners own two or more firearms. This gun wave had very humble beginnings from westward expansion to the revolutionary war and to the Second Amendment. This controversial amendment states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Gun control is one of the oldest laws dating back to the early 1800’s. It was approved in the southern part of the United States. During this period, the Georgia administration banned handguns, but the Supreme Court cancelled the law after some time due to the second amendment. The second amendment of the United States which says “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” has secured certain gun rights for Americans for more than two centuries. But, over the past years, more laws have been made regarding the purchase and usage of guns.
Guns in the U.S has been a problem for many years now. So much so that America is what comes to mind when people think about guns. America is the most known nation in the world when it comes to firearms, with citizens owning about an astonishing 270 million of the world’s 875 million firearms(Marshall). That is thirty percent on the world registered firearms. The reason why Americans own so may guns comes down to the second Amendment, which claims, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Rauch) This grants the citizens from America the right to own and buy firearms. Since this amendment is vague, it comes down to
Gun control has a history dating back to 1791, when the Second Amendment of the Constitution was ratified. However, more recently, the debate over gun control has escalated into a much more public issue to which many citizens can relate. After all, stories about incidents involving guns appear frequently today in newspapers and on television or the radio. One could say that the debate started with the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968, which banned ownership of guns by certain groups of people and regulated the sale of guns. Since then, two main groups have gradually appeared: people who oppose strict federal
would find a way to obtain a firearm regardless of the law. Crime rate does not originate from the accessibility of guns, but rather the actions of an individual that has disregard for life in today 's society. There will always be ways for the offender commit crimes with or without guns.
The legality of having guns and possessing firearms in the United States of America is well engraved within the Second Amendment of the nation’s constitution. However, the issue of gun regulation has remained a central topic in America’s public. Some people advocate for a total ban on gun possession, while others are totally against this idea. The shooting incident in Las Vegas weeks ago has raised controversial debates in the United States of America. In fact, the White House is concerned on the stand that President Trump will take on the issue of stricter gun laws. One of the cities that has gained the attention of both the legislators on this topic is Chicago. For its reputation for its low rate of gang arrests, lax punishments for gun law violations, and comparatively weak laws in accordance with surrounding states, it is justifiable to say that Chicago’s daily shootings are a clear indicator that strict state gun laws don’t work.