
Gun Control Legislation

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The rule of law, gun control legislation, and public administration are intertwined on every level. The promulgation of every constitutional right afforded by the second amendment is being dissected following the recent tragedies in Nevada and Texas. Administrative law is the mechanism that controls governmental power given to administrative branches and agencies. Following the passage of the Administrative Procedure Act, the definition of “administrative law began a new journey. The shift from “public law” to the new state administrative procedure gives legitimacy and authority to state action (p. 90, Beckett, 2010). It is important to note that the three types of rules that govern the behavior of administrators, substantive regulations, interpretive rules, and procedural rules are all under current scrutiny as related to the issue of gun control legislation and public safety (p. 91, Beckett, 2010). …show more content…

It disseminates the rules by which citizens must live to maintain an orderly society. It can also be said to be what gives rise to the “rule of law” and presents that everyone must follow the law. Therefore, it is public policy that utilizes the three types of rules to help improve the overall function and regulation of administrative law and public sector agencies. For example, in the political cartoon by Foden, there has been controversy over Second Amendment Rights and New Hampshire’s support of the amendment is being seen as a political issue in the political arena for not only media but also campaigns and scholarly study. Many people believe that prohibiting or altering the right to carry infringes on one of their constitutional rights, which has created a public issue or problem and creates the need and a call for public policy. In some states, such as Illinois, there have been laws put in place to allow for stricter gun control policy’s to resolve the

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