
Peloponnesian War Essay

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Peloponnesian war took place between 431 and 404 B.C. and involved two Greek city-states, namely, Sparta and Athens. Each of the participants in the warfare was backed by its closest allies as they sought to win at all cost, no matter how long it would take. The conflict started in early 440 B.C. when allies of Athens began revolting against frequent attacks by Sparta. At the height of animosities, situation changed from the clashes between limited formational units to complex military operations with large-scale atrocities. Athens led Peloponnesian combat against the Delian League led by Sparta.
The foundation of the hostilities was laid in 423 B.C. when Sparta summoned members of the Peloponnesian League to voice their complaints. A debate that was held involved some unofficially invited guests from Athens. During the discussion, Sparta’s allies held that Athens was opposed to the idea of peace, and that there was no need for a dialogue to end the conflict. Sparta did not appear to be concerned about any possible negative consequences of not reconciling with Athens, as it had a huge army of well-trained men. Spartans voted and declared that Athens had broken a peace agreement, which resulted in the Peloponnesian war. Given the quarter of a century that the fighting took, it had numerous negative impacts on Athens and other Greek city-states, which could have been avoided had Sparta and Athens agreed to solve

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