
Negative Consequences of Cigarette Smoking Essay

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Negative Consequences of Cigarette Smoking

Everyone has a family member, friend, or co-worker who smokes. They have chosen to smoke, but by just being around them, many people are also smoking. Before one chooses to take this risk he should think what problems can he face because of it. There are many causes for smoking but effects of smoking are same. Smoking is a hazardous habit because it leads to addiction, disease, and high-risk pregnancy.

Commercials show that smoking is a way to relax and to be cool by smoking cigarettes; they never show the negative side of it. For example, addiction is one of the bad side effects of smoking and it is caused by nicotine. Once one inhales the cigarette he or she will want the need for …show more content…

Unfortunately, in many cases, people are at risk to live with heart complications for the rest of their lives. Lastly, another important effect of smoking is the risk of getting emphysema. This deadly disease also affects lungs and whole respiratory system.
These several reasons should prove to the smokers that this habit puts their health in danger, and causes many diseases that lead to death.

Unborn babies who have mothers who smoke are more likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The placenta joins the mother and the baby, which is where the baby gets food and oxygen. When a mother smokes the placenta does not work as well as it should. The babies are also more likely to be born early. Every time a woman smokes she is giving her child less oxygen. It is very easy for a pregnant woman to stop smoking when the people around her do not smoke. When a baby is born to a mother who smokes the baby will not grow well as it should. Many experts agree that smoking is an unhealthy habit every one specially and for pregnant women and can not only hurt the mother but really can have negative effect on the baby as well.

Because of smoking, smokers have high risks of addictions, diseases or risks in pregnancies. Smokers prefer their habit, rather than caring about this terrible problem. They avoid

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