
Persuasive Speech : The Negative Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes

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Hi everyone. According to, smoking kills more than 480,000 people a year. That is equivalent to the population of New Orleans. That also means that smoking causes one in five deaths. In my 18 years, I have known a few life-long smokers so I have seen the negative effects first hand. Today I will be discussing why you should stop smoking cigarettes. First, I will explain the many health risks, then I will talk about how it alters your appearance, and finally I will explain how it affects those around you. To begin let’s talk about the many, many health risks that are caused from smoking. I’ll start off with the biggest consequence smoking causes. Cancer. According to the website, nine out of ten lung cancers are caused from smoking cigarettes. And although lung cancer is the most common cancer associated with smoking, it is definitely not the only one. Smoking can cause cancer anywhere in the body. From the mouth to the colon, nothing is safe from cancer when you smoke. According to, the chemicals in cigarettes harm your blood cells and damage your heart, increasing your likelihood of developing aneurysms, cardiovascular disease, Coronary heart disease, and strokes. Smokers also develop mouth sores and ulcers and as stated on, smokers are about 4 times more likely than non-smokers to develop gum disease. Smokers experience muscle deterioration because blood and oxygen are restricted and can’t reach the muscles.

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