
Nature Vs Nurture Personality

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Staring at me from head to toe, paying close attention to the details to my facial lineaments, height, and body structure, my mom said, “We look very much alike, I wonder if you’re going to be like me when you grow up!” This parallel relationship between physical traits and genetic inheritance has caused many people to speculate whether psychological characteristics such as behaviors and attitude also stem from genetic codes. The development of the nature and nurture controversy roots back to 13th century when a British scientist named Francis Galton used these terms to discuss the influence of genes and environment on development (NatureNurture, 2009). This issue has raised up many debates as to whether human develop majorly due to nature …show more content…

It involves the decision made to acquire and apply knowledge and skills in different areas. According to Bill Clement, Nature, “By virtue, with the fact that we were all born, puts us on the starting point, but everyday leaders make choices.” (Success: Nature or Nurture?, 2013). The choices we make about the atmosphere, diet, and training we surround ourselves with or receive have an influential impact on our intelligence. I once heard this saying which says,” You are what you eat”. Thus, by choosing how to feed our brain, spirit, soul, and overall health, we choose how to develop. According to a recent study conducted by the Avon Longitudinal study of Parents and Children, an unbalanced and a poor diet lowers children’s IQ (Froelich, 2015). Some may argue that a brain’s size is a reflection of its function and it’s distinct from the environment. Chess, for example, has been male-dominated given the fact they have a 10% - 12% larger brain size (Controversy, 2014) compared to women that justifies a greater functional capacity of males. However, according to a Hungarian phycologists, “Geniuses are made not born” (Metz, 2015). Being a father of three girls, he have managed to raise three geniuses who became masters of chess by exposing them to intensed training. Thus, we can deduce that the nurture a person gets plays a vital role in enhancing the intellectual

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