
Naturally Humble Research Paper

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Naturally Humble

Cancer is difficult, not only on you but on the people who love you. When my great aunt found out she had cancer and was admitted to the hospital; her daughter Lindsey stayed with her through it all. Lindsey adored her job, but she quit just to stay by her mother’s side and care for her. If that doesn't show humility, I don't know what does.
To have humility is to be humble and modest--It means doing something for someone but not acknowledging doing so. According to the The Huffington Post, studies have shown people tend to achieve more happiness when they're not actually trying to. A well known leader, Pope Francis, is a great example of having humility. Britannica School states that Pope Francis was born with the name Jorge Bergoglio, but he took the name of Francis in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis washed the feet of twelve criminal offenders on Holy Thursday in imitation of Jesus washing his apostles feet before his death.
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Meekness means to be submissive and obedient--like a dog to his master. For example, my dog is afraid of brooms. When I grab the broom out of the closet to sweep the kitchen, he becomes meek and hides. He becomes spiritless and super shy.
According to Fast Company, humility sounds as though it leads to failures in real life. People wrongly assume that someone who is humble has low self esteem, or that they are weak and timid. However, the opposite is shown to be true. The article The Power Of Humility In Leadership written by David J. Bobb from the Fast Company says ¨The truth is that no one is naturally humble. Becoming humble, in fact, is an arduous process. ...humility issues a warning against flying too high.¨ The Odyssey is a horrible example of humility or even meekness because we are constantly reminded of all the little things the gods and Odysseus do. You aren't born with humility but between modesty and humbleness you can earn

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