
Nathan Book Report

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The main character, Nathan, reminds me of my older brothers, Mike and Matt. They both love to hunt, big or small game animals. They always brought food to our table, as well as Nathan and his father take food to their families table. Anytime they shot and killed something they would always thank the good Lord. Before and after every meal they would tell their stories because they were just so grateful and happy they had one, gotten some food on the table, and two they had another awesome experience not everybody has. Nathan in some parts of the book was struggling to kill some animals. There will be the good and the bad days. But life goes on, you can always try the next day. Nathan never got discouraged by not seeing a deer, or seeing a leaf …show more content…

Which really reminds me of my brothers because they had a conversation about poundage while buying bows a little while back. In that compound bow chapter they also talk about drawing back the bow and scaring the whitetail …show more content…

He never woke up to his alarm and still lives up to that to this day. He always overslept until somebody woke him up and kept him up. It was not the first day of archery season, but just an ordinary Saturday morning and he wanted to go squirrel hunting, he had an alarm set for 5:30 but woke at 6:50. Very little time to get into our field and find a spot to sit, wait, and watch. He got out the at 7:15 right when the sun has arouse. He sat down, he told me not even 5 minutes went by and there was a fat chunky squirrel sitting there on the ground eating nuts. The squirrel had taken a few steps and my brother matt had taken the shot. Matt was using his 20 gauge shotgun, he had a clean shot, and good thing the squirrel was a little ways away so he didn’t had lead all over him in the

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