
Narrative Essay On Bullfrog

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Nearly every kid at some point in their childhood has had a certain toy or item they would do anything to have. That one item consumes every thought in that kid's mind and if that kid was like me, they will not stop trying until they have it in their possession. During part of my first grade year, this one item was the bullfrog Webkinz. Why a bullfrog you may ask? That was the one my brother was asking for on his birthday in a few weeks and I was up for any possible way I could beat him or compete with him, no matter what it was. Nearly all of my friends and classmates already had multiple Webkinz and I didn't have a single one.
Now it came to the hard part: how I was going to get it. I had already begged and pleaded for it from my parents to the point I annoyed them so much i'm pretty sure my mom wanted to scratch her eyes out every time I spoke a word about that Webkinz. She even refused to let me go to the store with her, knowing I would quickly escape to the Webkinz rack and I would glue my feet there until she practically had to drag me out the doors. She then proceeded to tell me that the only way I was going to own it was if I saved up my money and that doing so was “a good lesson for when I was older”. …show more content…

Practically the only time I got money was my birthday and Christmas and I was a very impulsive kid, I definitely did not save any of it. I earned a couple dollars from a lemonade stand where the only customers were my parents and the lady that lived next door whom we pressured into getting a cup. My solution finally fell into place the following weekend when we went to the park in downtown Plymouth for some kind of concert. After setting up all of our chairs, I left the group to go throw a coin into the massive, prodigious fountain which has always been my favorite feature of the park. My wish before casting it into the water was pretty predictable: I wished for the Webkinz of

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