
Myth Of Handwriting

Satisfactory Essays

Myth 1: Our Handwriting Reveals Our Personality Traits

Many different aspects come into play when perfecting your penmanship. From an early age children are taught all the same way to write. As people get older the fine motor skills required for legible writing become better and tighter. When children expand out to cursive, the flow and distinctive marks become more visible and present. The penmanship of a person is as unique as a finger print (Carroll, 2003).
Can your handwriting distinctively tell other people about your personality and job ethics? The pseudoscience science behind reading penmanship is graphology, “character reading.” I picked this myth for finding out if my own handwriting could show my personality. When reading I was convinced that psychological scientist could dissect the person behind the letters on the page. When conducting experiments, they would ask that everybody would write the same sentence, this way changes would be more evident and predominate. …show more content…

The researchers used 100 students who were 3rd graders, 50 with dysgraphic and 50 with proficient

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