
Myself As An Artist

Decent Essays

I am a artist. A artist is a person who enjoys practicing there creativity though a range of different mediums on different types of canvases, no matter the skill set of that person. When you hear the word artist you think of a person who draws,and paints every chance they get because they love the idea of creating something new. But when I think of myself as an artist I don’t see that I see a person who loves to paint and draw, well draw mostly, but only because she is doing it for other reasons like for a grade or something. In my case it is for a grade. Every since I have been taking an art class i have learned to put my creativity into a piece of art that I have to turn in to a teacher. I no longer fine myself drawing or scathing in my free time anymore like when I was a little kid. Now I draw because I have to. Even though I do see myself as an artist, I don’t feel like one sometimes. I mean what is the definition of an artist anyway? Is it a person who sits and draws all day because they love it or some one who is supposed to draw or paint for the fun of it, for the enjoyment that you like to create something beautiful. For instance, I had showed my cousin some of my art work and she said that I was really good and that I should go to an art school when I’m older but I caught myself thinking that why did I even create those pieces, would I still have made those pieces if I weren’t getting graded for them. When she had said that it brought back memories of me when I was

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