
My Writing Experience

Decent Essays

Writing is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is a past time that I have learned to love over the recent years. Whether it be writing for school, or just writing for fun, it is an activity that helps me to express many of my feelings. One of my first and favorite experiences with writing occurred in June of 2013. My grandmother's birthday was right around the corner, but I was clueless when my mother asked me what I was going to give her as a gift. My mother suggested that I just go out and purchase something simple like a gift card. I, however, thought that my grandmother would enjoy something homemade. I came up with the perfect idea when my grandmother visited me one day. She had just previously purchased a new television, and the …show more content…

I wrote a story about how my grandmother used each quote to fill up the pages of the book. I worked for weeks on this book, perfecting the stories that were associated with each of my grandmother’s quotes. I was beyond satisfied with the final product, and I knew that my grandmother would be too. I will never forget the look on my grandmother’s face when she started to read the book on her birthday. It was at that moment when I realized how much joy writing brings people, whether it be reading other people’s work, or writing your own piece. Writing something so unique for my grandmother was probably one of my best ideas. I am so glad that she will be able to reread it and treasure it forever. After this experience, my love of writing increased significantly, and I started to enter several essay contests. One of these contests required entrants to write an essay explaining what they would ask Pope Francis if they had the chance to meet him. Ten winners chosen from local high schools would win a $1000 scholarship. I definitely did not want this opportunity to go to waste. I became stressed out while writing my essay, since I had very short notice about

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