
My Worldview Can Best Be Described As An Overflow

Decent Essays

My worldview can best be described as an overflow. In the end, it is what I believe about God that spills out of the goblet of my life, staining every facet of my existence. I am a Christian. I believe that God and His words are the ultimate measuring stick by which all other claims of truth are evaluated. God is the rock. He is unmovable and unshakeable. To Moses at Mount Horeb, God said, “I AM WHO I AM" (English Standard Version, Ex. 3:14 ), and those everlasting words still apply today. I believe in the Holy Trinity. While I think the concept is probably impossible to fully understand, I wholly acknowledge that the Godhead is three in one: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 3:16-17, 28:19) I believe that God is infinite. He is the "alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." (Rev. 22:13) Because He is infinite, He required no creator. He is all powerful and all knowing, existing outside of our tiny realm of space and time. Owning this character, He created the world from nothing. He made the universe and its natural elements, plus people bearing His own image, in six literal days. (Gen. 1,2). Being that God is the creator of life, I believe that it is up to Him, not mortal man, to decide when people should live and die. Mere mortal men are not sanctioned to end human life, whether it be through abortion, suicide, or murder. God did tell people, however, that they could have dominion over "over the fish of

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