My Winter break
I will tell you about who amazing and exiding my winter break was. I will tell you about my Christmas, my new years, and when I went to rush air sports in Bakersfield.
The first thing I will tell you about is Christmas. MY Christmas was fun because I got to go to my grandma’s house 3 days before Christmas. I got a new pair of boots, that did not fit me and I got 20 dollars. We also went to the snow with my grandma. On Christmas eve I went to my other grandma’s house and that was also fun. I got a lot of movies and clothes. On Christmas day most of my came to my house and I got a new basketball and a new pack for trips. That was my fun Christmas. I can’t wait for next Christmas.
Second thing I will tell is my New year. my
Imagine coming home from school to a car fully packed waiting to go to Fort Walton, Florida. Well that's what I came home to on the last day until Spring Break. We will be going to the beach, swimming, fishing,and more when we get there! I was so excited to leave. The car drive was estimated to be only 10 hours. But on the way a lot of other people had the same idea as us on our trip. Traffic was bad on the way down. There were lots of crashes. Believe it or not there was a backup that was like 4 miles. The cars were bumper to bumper and and it was getting late. In about 30 minutes we got about 1 mile. It was awful! With the bumper to bumper traffic there was another crash. That delayed us about 30 more minutes. We all got grumpy because we
Many people look forward to their March Break. However, March break can be boring if you sit in the house the whole time. The good news is that there are many things that you can do in order to keep yourself occupied during March break. Below is a list of things that you can do during March break:
March Break is the best break ever, but is it truly a break when teachers give you assignments just before the break and says it is due the next class after the break? Probably, not. The best part of the break is that you will have enough time to sleep, play, you can visit different places and you will also have time to finish your assignments. This is what a March Break actually is. After the break, friends and teachers are so curious to know how your March Break was. So, here it is! Last year was my third March Break and it was stunning. During this March break there were two days which was one of the two best days of my life. I did not know what a sleepover was; and I had a sleepover during this hilarious week. My friends invited me for
What did I do over winter break? I did so many fun things these past two weeks. I went to the mall with my friend, then he came over to my house, and he gave me a Christmas present.
My 2018 Spring Break was better than usual and began with a great start. For this Spring Break, I went on a Road Trip to visit different college campuses on the northern side of California, a place I had never been to. I went with my program called, LACC Upward Bound that included 34 other students. I did not attend this trip alone and this was great because my friends got to come along on this great experience with me. Arriving to Northern California took about 4- 5 hours and during this drive I took this picture. It is so different from Los Angeles, everything is much greener, beautiful and natural. Our first location was Santa Cruz and the college we visited was UC Santa Cruz. On our way there, I saw many animals like cows, horses, sheeps,
My life was great over spring break. It started with my sister turning 15 on March 10 we decorated her room, then we made her pancakes shaped like the number 15. Later that night we all went out to eat at a fancy restaurant named the cheesecake factory it was some good cheesecake. Then my friend Aidan and I had a sleepover, we played outside went to the park with our other friends like eden,cooper,gressa and olivia. The next day of spring break aidan aj and I hung out for a while. About 1:00 me and aj went golfing with our dads at canyon farms. I felt the sun shining on me, I heard the birds singing it was just a beautiful day of golfing, we played about 9 holes.
During winter break, I didn't do a lot of things although I did spend my time wisely enough to do the things that I was planned to do during the break. Most of the time that I have was for family, and some extra time for games. Since my older brother came back one week before my final, I did have a lot of times having fun with him and my parent. My older brother did stayed with me the whole break, and he left on Saturday to go back to UCLA, which was two days before I came back to school. I think that my break was great, and I didn't do a lot of things, but I think that I did achieve all of my goals for the winter break. My best part of the break was when me and my family walking down the street of San Francisco, and during that trip I got
I had a good and fun spring break, and I bet it was way better than yours. On Saturday, I went to my moms friends house and had a big Easter Egg Hunt. They had a lot of food and eggs and I got a whole gallon size bag of candy. My cousins(who live in Indio) came to my house and stayed for 3 days, and we had the best time. We played in our trampoline, rode our scooters, played soccer and basketball, and made up this super fun game, that you have to ride around the track in our backyard, and one person had to try to hit you with a Stomp Rocket, and you had to try to dodge it.
This was the moment that I have been waiting for since the beginning of my senior year. I couldn’t wait to leave cold Michigan for spring break. There was no way that I wasn’t going to Panama City Beach, Florida this year. I heard so many stories from past seniors in my school. This had me watching to go so bad that I made a countdown of how many days I had left until spring break. It was like Las Vegas but just for kids, so what happens in PCB, stays in PCB. This was the place where you would go to create the best memories of your life with your friends before everybody goes their separate ways after high school.
My cousin Walker and I attended the great spring break tradition in Ft. Lauderdale. If I had to explain spring break to another person, I would tell them. It’s one week out of the year where you get to live a fantasy. Thousands of college kids get together to party and take a break from being a student. Students need a stress free week with no worries about grades, studying and finances. We are almost full adults and this will be one of the last times we get to rebel as youth. Walker and I were both minors but our goal was to be with all the kids when it came to the night life after everyone on the beaches were gone. I did not know how I was going to get into a nightclub, but I was not going to let my age from stoping me. The task before us seemed problematic, but you can’t be afraid to fail.
Spring Break is a week in the middle of the second semester term for high school and college students to take a break. For some during this break they enjoy partying, going to the beach, or going on a cruise. Others like to spend time with their family and go on a vacation. I for one enjoy getting the time with my family and friends and not have to worry about what assignments that are due the next day. This year for spring break my family and I went on a three day vacation in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
My Thanksgiving was pretty fun. I got to see all of my brothers at the same time. We did not have our dinner until Friday, but Thursday was still pretty busy. We did a lot of cooking. Also a lot of arranging.
Like I said in my introduction, this paragraph will be about when I went shopping multiple times with my family. I know it might sound dumb for a first paragraph but, too me it was awesome. That's because, I love spending time with my family, especially when we're all getting along. Let me break down this day for you. First it was a good morning, my mom made me breakfast and everyone was in a good mood. My Brother was happy, my Dad was being hilarious, and my Mom just seemed like she was having a great time. Then we all got dressed, I was making sure that I looked extra stunning. So we get into the car and my favorite song comes on “Despacito” so my family and I all started singing it together. About an hour later we get to the South lake Mall and we went to four stores, Hollister, Vans, Journeys, and American Eagle. My Mom, Brother, and I all went to those four stores while my Dad went shopping somewhere else. It was going well , we were all having a fantastic time together. Then once we were done shopping we went to McDonald's got some food because, who doesn't adore McDonald`s right? Then we headed back home, it was a great day and for sure one of my favorite memories from this Summer. Keep in mind my family and I did this like 2 or 3 times this year, so it was extra fun.
My summer break was probably one of the craziest summers I have ever had. There was so much stuff going on you could never understand. There was just so much going left and right it was insane
April 31: Last night the people at the front desk were so nice and as soon as we went in our room people gave us welcoming gifts. It was amazing. I wish we could've done more today though. All we did today was hike and then we went to the resort. The kids went to the water park that they have and the parents went to the place with all the other adults. The hotel we stayed at had amazing views and it was like living in a house! The hotel and the resort were so close that we could walk to it. We walked to the resort at night to see how it was because mom said we were gonna go there tomorrow so we went to go check it out. Tonight the parents said we can do anything we want so we are planning on going to the resort because it will feel cooler than it did this morning. If we don't go to the resort then we will go check some other stuff out so we can tell our parents what we want to do tomorrow.