
My Struggle With Anxiety-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Walking into school on a cold Monday morning in December, I could already feel my stomach start to churn, my palms begin sweat, and my heart start to beat faster and faster. I tried my best to control the nervous feelings I was having, upset at myself that I had to go through this every single day. The thought of just running back out those big glass doors and going home sounded amazing but I knew that was not an option. Just getting through the day felt like the biggest struggle. I didn't want people to know what was going on with me. I was so embarrassed, feeling so defeated that I was letting this mental disorder control every decision that I made. I wanted so desperately to not feel this way anymore.
Struggling with anxiety was one of the toughest things that I have ever had to deal with. You cannot just take a pill and make it all go away. I was constantly feeling nervous, thinking about all the bad …show more content…

Admitting that something was getting to be too much to handle is never easy to do. The surprising thing was, the more I talked about it, the more I learned to accept it. I soon realized that this was not something to be ashamed of. It was such a relief to not have to hide this part of my life from anyone anymore. It really helped knowing that so many other people have to deal with the same problem that I deal with.
Being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder came as a shock to me at first. I always knew that I was more anxious than most people but I never thought that I had any kind of a problem. I wanted it all to go away, constantly asking myself why this had to happen to me. But now, looking back, I'm glad that it did happen to me. It was just an obstacle that I had to learn to overcome. It taught me that I can handle anything that life throws at me. I believe that having a mental disorder does not make me weak, but it makes me a stronger

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