
My Strength Analysis

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Everybody has their own strengths that creates who they are. These strengths can change overtime in order to form a piece of who we are. We develop our strengths overtime either through personal experience or we get it from someone else. A lot of us may have different strengths, but that is what makes us unique. The strength I feel I cope with the most are adaptability, strategic, and activator. My first strength was strategic. I do consider this strategic one of my strengths. Usually when new technology comes out like the iPhone, I do whatever to get it. I know I would have to get a job in order to get what I wanted, so I did. My goal was to get my iPhone and I needed money. I had a plan to get a job and work to save up as much money as I needed. I applied at a movie theater, and did exactly that. My parents said it was too much money to spend on a phone, but that did not stop me. One I have a goal I try and do whatever I can to achieve that goal. I come up with a careful plan and steps to achieve my goal. I consider this a strength because it does not just go for buying the newest technology, but for everything. I try and plan things out because for me it is more helpful to know where I am going. Being strategic is probably one of my strongest strengths. …show more content…

I also considered this one of my strengths. I can easily adapt to a new environment. Coming to college is way different from where I use to live. In Montbello, it is really diverse and I know where everything is at. Here in Fort Collins I had a little bit of an idea about it, but there is a lot more to Fort Collins. These first couple months of college were not hard for me at all. I felt like I adapted pretty easily than others. It is the same when I get a job, I can adapt to the like I have working there before. For me it takes probably a day or so then I am good. This strength does identify with who I am and is a part of

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