
My Role Model In Life

Decent Essays

As my father, Ladislao Trakal, one of my only role models in life, settles down onto the couch, he reminisces about his college experience over a cup of coffee. The same father who brought me to life, yet different than what he used to be. He seems as though he were remembering a dismal time in his life, represented by the lugubrious expression on his face, but one would soon discover that his woes were only because of the challenges that he had to overcome throughout his time in college. Now let us start from the beginning...
My father, like most students, had the choice of what job he would want to partake in for the rest of his life. Due to his extreme ability to deal with technology, my dad made a decision: to work the life of the computer and the cubicle and leave aside any other field. Coming from a Hispanic background in the small but lively country of Argentina, Trakal knew everyone and everyone knew him. From having only one library in his town to being under a dictatorship until 1983, things weren’t as easy as they are now considering education and the effect technology has on it today. “Education those days was better and the biggest difference with nowadays is that every student has a ‘library’ at their feet,” stated Trakal who was always extremely fond of the unique technology sprouting during his teenage years. Apart from attending a technical high school, Trakal would often spend long hours with his family and friends getting together, barbecuing, and mostly

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