
My Responsibility As An American Essay

Decent Essays

My Responsibility as an American I believe American’s have many responsibilities or duties. I think every American should cast their vote. They need to pay taxes so they can make their community better. They should also obey the laws. Americans have many responsibilities like: casting their votes, paying their taxes, or just obeying the laws, if those responsibilities are accomplished by all Americans, America will be on the rise again. All Americans should go out and vote. If somebody complains how the government is being ran, but did not vote that is their fault. If you do not vote you give up your right to your opinion. Everyone has an opinion and should go out and express their opinion. Voting helps determine who runs the country, who runs the community, and what is legal and illegal. Voting helps determines the laws in the government, and also the rules in the community. The people you vote for will determine how the country and the local community will be running. Voting is very important in America. Everyone has the right to vote and that is one of the reasons America is the greatest country in the world. …show more content…

Taxes are the main income in some communities, and they are used to build roads. If you don’t pay you will be driving on broken and dirt roads, and all the buildings will be broken down. There will not be enough money to pay teachers or police officers or in some cases fire fighters. Without those people the community will be out of control. The community will be a better place with taxes, but I think they should be set at a reasonable price. I think the higher classed citizens should be taxed more than the lower class citizens. They have more money so they should give more back to the community to help the lower classes. It may not seem like the right idea but I believe it would be the right thing to do to help out the community. Taxes help make Americas a better

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