
My Reflection Of My Experience In The Classroom

Decent Essays

Reflecting on the time I have spent in this class this semester, I have noticed that I have demonstrated many positive learner qualities which I would like to continue to pursue in the future as well as many aspects of my role as a student that I wish to improve on. Focusing on the positive qualities first, it is evident that I remained an active participant throughout the entire semester. During our class discussions, I always had ideas, observations, and questions to contribute or to further the conversation no matter the subject matter. Aside from class discussions, I was also highly engaged in group discussions during/aside from the seminars. I was frequently bringing up questions I may have had, things that I may have noticed from the reading, as well as answering questions that the seminar leader posed. At multiple occasions, I have also contributed personal anecdotes connecting to the topic and discussion going on, sharing my experiences as a student or as a teacher/mentor. Even as a seminar leader my self, I tried to have my group engage in thoughtful discussion by beginning my seminar with an activity- something a little different from what they were used to- in order to have them think back to the reading and understand the reasoning behind the answers they gave during the activity. Apart from my group and class participation, I have near-to-perfect attendance in this class, I always arrived at class on time at the beginning of class, however was late twice after the 20-minute break due to long lines in the TEL café. Despite my tardiness, I did not disrupt class coming in late as I was only late by 2 minutes at most.
Despite my few instances of tardiness in terms of arriving to class on time following the break, I was completely punctual in terms of completing assignments on time and with my utmost effort (although, there is always room for improvement). All my assignments were handed in on time and no assignment I composed was a last minute, rushed assignment. The work that I put towards my assignments was broken down over the course of a week as to allow me to focus on each individual part of the assignment effectively (with the assignment expectations laid out for me to refer to as I worked).

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