
My Reading and Writing Experience over the Years

Decent Essays

Literacy Narrative: My Reading and Writing Experience over the Years

I have never been the type of student who enjoyed reading or writing. I have always found it difficult to express myself by writing narratives, book reports, and any other required assignment. I am far more skilled at speaking or verbal expression in general as I have found over the years that people tend to misunderstand my point if it is written.

When I sit to write, I have to think about what I want to say. This is not easy for me as I tend to think about several things at once. Clearing my mind and focusing on the writing task is a challenge in itself. I do not consider myself a strong writer and find it intimidating especially when I know it will be critiqued. The sense of failure when seeing the paper I worked so hard on look like the newest local headline of a recent murder is disheartening for me. I assume I am being overly critical of myself but those feelings seem to be redeemed when I look over the aftermath of what was my wonderful work of mental art.

The irony of all of this is I write many different things in my current job. One any given day I draft contracts, amendments, and addendums to name a few. I have learned a great deal from my bosses and mentors which has made me a better writer and more aware of my grammar and proofreading of work. My Vice President is an attorney and English major with a keen ability to find the minutest errors. I try to take any criticism

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