
Self Reflection Essay On Leadership

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Self leadership through personal learning and reflection “provides a foundation for effective leadership skills” (Watson, 2004). The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) includes self leadership as one of it’s five core leadership competencies, which is defined as “The Lead Self” domain. As part of Leading Self, effective leaders must demonstrate: self awareness, managing self, developing self and demonstrating character. (CCHL, 2010). In order to demonstrate my leadership development, I will complete an assessment of my personal leadership styles and behaviours, as evidenced through a series of validated self assessment methodologies and tools. My self reflection will include a summary of leadership strengths and weaknesses, in …show more content…

According to the Myers Briggs Type Indictor (MBTI) (Appendix D) tool, outlines the different personality types and how they gather and evaluate information in the decision making process. My specific ENFJ typology indicates that I have a strong preference for making decisions intuitively (N), demonstrating my creative and imaginative abilities. That I have slight preferences for feeling (F) and judging (J) when considering decisions, and I have marginal preference for extroversion (E). According to the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), reviewed in Appendix E, in situations of conflict my primary conflict mode is Compromising which reflects my ability to be an intermediate in both assertiveness and cooperation. In conflict I am able to listen, understand and empathize in a non confrontational method to identify underlying concerns. My leadership, and specifically my reaction in times of conflict will have an effect on my team. It is important that I am able to flex between conflict modes as the situation requires. The additional benefit of having a compromising tendency in dealing with conflict is that I am only one step away from other conflict modes (collaborating, accommodating, avoiding and competing) which each have their place in leadership conflict

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