
My Personal Philosophy Of The Nursing Profession

Decent Essays

Philosophy of Nursing
I chose to commit myself to the nursing profession because I believe the nurse is the comma in every health care sentence. A comma may seem insignificant, or even invisible in a properly structured sentence, but its absence can be detrimental to the whole. The nurse links the art to the science of care, connecting two independent clauses creating one fluid idea. Nurses help connect the patient and the doctor; they translate the jargon to the civilian’s understanding. In a constantly changing environment, they elicit an essential pause, assisting each crucial transition. A carefully placed comma doesn’t just manage a checklist of ideas; it inadvertently leads them forward in motion. Nurses are ever present in the healthcare experience, beginning with …show more content…

In brief, a person is a multifaceted unit, infinitely reacting and re-patterning its behavior to adapt to its environment. Health is an inward and outward expression of the conscious and unconscious patterns we exert. Our patterns determine where we fall on the spectrum. My vision for myself as a nurse is aiding in pattern reorganization.

To live out my philosophy of nursing, every day I must remember:

My own health comes first; it is an example to others and must be reflected and tended to daily. Awareness is the first step in healing or change. My health includes striving for awareness of others and myself. It is important to remember that everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment. People can only do so much with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge they possess. Pattern reorganization can be uncomfortable and healing can be painful. We are all in a state of continual learning. Frustrations may be outwardly projected when disequilibrium is present. It is a nurse’s job to be mindful of this and continue providing supportive, quality

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