
My Paw Tommy: A Hero

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever known a hero? Well I have, he has had a big influence on my life. He was my papaw Tommy. He was one of the bravest men I have ever known. To begin his dad went to WW1. So since he was the oldest he had to help with the family's money troubles. He had to quit school in 1st grade. He never learned to read or write. He was only seven when he went to work in a rock quarry. His family was very poor that’s why he had to go work when he was only seven. While working his eye got put out. I don’t know by what though. I imagine it was a stray rock or something like that. One reason I consider him a hero is that he saved my life when I was a baby. I was out in the yard playing while he was watching me. There was

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