
My Papa 's Waltz By Theodore Roethke Essay

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For some people, the topic of family is very controversial. While some family dynamics might seem like ones who are placed on an advertisement for a Loews magazine, most families have underlying problems that take place behind the scenes. It is undeniable that putting two works into conversation with each other can have several advantages. For example, in the poems “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke, and Lucille Clifton’s “forgiving my father” they both portray their childhood memories that aren 't so picture perfect. While these poems highlight the wrongdoings of their father’s, in the end they both end up forgiving their fathers despite their lack of care. Although the authors portray it to us in different ways, by comparing both of these texts to each other their similarities and differences allow us to create a more well-rounded understanding of the author’s themes of the importance of forgiveness in the family.
Before we can be able to successfully compare these two poems, we must first be able to completely understand each of the texts on their own. We will start off with Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz”. In this poem, there is a young boy who claims to be doing a “waltz” with his father, however it is a little more aggressive than that. Although, despite the aggressiveness displayed by the father, the reader can sense that the boy does not look at this experience as a
Theisen 2 bad one. When the father would come home, he would be so drunk that his “breath could make

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