
My Moment In Life : A Time Of My Life

Decent Essays

Time of My Life

Everyone has a special moment in their life. Some might be good, others not so much, but one thing that remains constant is the impact that moment leaves on you for the rest of your life. Fortunately for me, my moment was great. Now granted, I've only been around for 16 years, have yet to graduate high school, get married, or start a family, but up until now there's one moment that's always stood out to me. Let's flashback to 2010. During the spring of 2010 I was entering my fourth year of baseball, and my last year in the infamous Allen Sports Association, more commonly referred to as (ASA). I'm not going to lie, my team was pretty amazing and we had made it to the championship game. I was the star pitcher, although that didn't mean much playing on an ASA team, and was absolutely prepared for what I felt was the biggest game of my life. We were playing the Allen Rangers (creative, right?) led by Kent Southard, the ASA president at the time. His team had already been blown away by me earlier in the season and I expected nothing but the same for this game. I arrived an hour and a half early, about 30 minutes before everyone else, and began to go through a stretching routine I had observed at the Texas Rangers game I had been to the summer before. I felt like a pro. By the time everyone else had shown up I was game-ready and was counting down the minutes until I stepped on that mound. As the game time was approaching I did my best to stay loose, jogging around the outfield fence and making sure my arms were moving. My catcher for the game, Baylor Worman came up to me to talk to me about what I was feeling and I distinctly remember what I said to him, “they're not touching me today.” He laughed, not knowing that in my mind I was completely serious. When the umpires showed up that was when my nerves sat in. The butterflies that I were sure weren't going to show up in my stomach, did, and I began to pace around the dugout. When coach gave us the pre game speech I was completely lost in my own train of thought and the only thing I could think about was being on that mound. And then it started, we took the field and my preparation and season were on the line. I was

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