
My Love For Soccer, My True Love : My Life

Decent Essays

Throughout the course of my life I have always been an athletic kid, I played various sports like tennis, swimming, boxing soccer and ballet. Out of these sports, which are all unique and amazing, I've always been the most passionate for soccer. My parents saw my love for soccer and decided to take me out of all my other sports and allow me to focus on one; with their dedication as well as mine, I have become the player I am today. I have played soccer since I was about 5 years old until now, present day. Soccer has been my life, my true love, my everything. (107) However, my team enrolled in a tournament located in Escondido, California. I thought this tournament would be just like all the others but this one was going to be very …show more content…

After a month of being on crutches and being in the process of getting my MRI and my physical therapy for my knee, I thought I was in the clear, until I got my MRI results back. (210)
This was probably going to be the most important day of my life, these simple results would decide whether or not I could continue with my soccer career. Walking into the orthopedic center I had the most anticipation i've ever experienced. After waiting about an hour I finally was seen by my doctor. He told me the results were not good and that I partially tore my medial collateral ligament also stretching my lateral ligaments out as well and without surgery I wouldn't be able to ever have a chance to play soccer again. My family and I did not take this news very great. I stayed on crutches for five months while we tried to decide what the actions we should take would be. During those five months I am pretty sure my armpits almost fell off because the pain the crutches gave them but not only that but I was taken away from soccer, my friends and my life was put on pause. Life went on and I didn't know how to handle it. I still attended school, soccer practice but unable to play and the world just kept going. (176)
After the course of those six rough months my family and myself came to a conclusion, not to go forward with the surgery. As a substitute I was put into physical therapy with amazing trainers. Three months went by and I began playing soccer again with

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