
My Leadership Influence On The Soccer Field

Decent Essays

My leadership ability has primarily taken place on the soccer field and in the classroom. The extracurricular activity that had the biggest impact on my life is soccer. Since I was seven years old, I have played soccer year round. As a result of my year-round commitment to soccer, my life has subsequently revolved around the sport. It was a comforting constant throughout my childhood and into high school where almost every weekend I would be out of town playing after practicing throughout the week. This enormous amount of time dedicated to one extra curricular was well worth the effort, especially when I transferred into a new high school school my freshman year. Transferring to a new school can have its difficulties, but soccer allowed me …show more content…

Due to my extensive practice over the years I was able to make the high school varsity team, which allowed me to immediately have a group a friends. This connection was invaluable to me in a high school where I did not have any friends or former classmates who transferred in with me.
After a couple years on the high school varsity team, I became captain and leader of the team. I contribute my extracurricular involvement with soccer and sports in general to my ability to make friends and being able to work and compromise with others. Team sports forces each individual to put aside differences and compromise to be able to have a successful team, and these skills that were taught unbenounced to me proved invaluable in my life. In addition to making lasting friendships, soccer has allowed me to have experience in leading a group. I have always been the captain on the various teams I have played on, but the one …show more content…

I have been assigned many many group projects in various classes for many different subjects. For all of these projects, I have been assigned the leadership task. I have always been an exceptional student, performed well in class and gotten outstanding grades. Due to my outstanding grades, my classmates just assumed I would be in charge of the project. At first I liked the responsibility because it allowed me to ensure I got the A that I was striving for. I would do most to all of the work and get a top grade on the project. It wasn't until high school that I learned how to be a leader of the group and not just complete everything myself. I started to help my classmates complete their sections of the project, which allowed me to do less and help them learn more. I found that they actually enjoyed learning and taking a larger part of the project. I saw that once given a larger role most stepped up and did a good job. I would continue to supervise to ensure we got the A, which I found was well received as well. Everyone liked being a part of the project and we all loved getting the top grade. Leading these projects taught me to be a team player, to value and respect other, to supervise and help, and to become a supportive

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