
My Homework Policy For Scenario 2 's Classroom

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My Classroom Homework Policy Maurina Morton Western Governor’s University My Homework Policy Reflection: I believe that the homework policy for scenario 2’s classroom positively promotes social interaction, self-engagement, and student motivation in the elementary school classroom. There are multiple occasions listed in the policy where the student must interact directly with their teacher. These occasions include turning and picking up homework, setting up a conference to discuss ways late homework will not happen again, and going over classroom homework and expectations together as a class. These portions of the policy promote a positive social interaction. This scenario also positively promotes self-engagement and …show more content…

My Homework Policy: The purpose for assigning homework in my classroom is to reinforce material learned in class, for further practice, and to develop self-management skills. Homework also serves a purpose in connecting the classroom to the student’s parents. Homework will allow students to share with their parents what they are learning in class and allow the parents to be involved. The following are the general rules for homework in my classroom: • All classwork not completed in class will become homework. • All homework will be turned in the following day. For example, homework assigned for Monday night, will be due Tuesday morning. This excludes projects, or partner exercises. • My personal number will be given to all students and their parents and should be used for any questions one may have. • If a student has missing or late homework, they will be given 2 warnings and will meet with the teacher to figure out a plan on how late and/or missing homework won’t happen in the future. • After 2 warnings, the student will be asked to set up a meeting with the teacher and his/her parents to discuss a homework plan that works for the student. • Students have 2 days to complete and return any missed homework. • Any missed points on homework will be able to be corrected and turned in within 2 days of the original due date for 50% of points back. • Pertaining to the assignments students correct; there will be given student dollars to be spent in a number of ways.

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