My Classroom Homework Policy Maurina Morton Western Governor’s University My Homework Policy Reflection: I believe that the homework policy for scenario 2’s classroom positively promotes social interaction, self-engagement, and student motivation in the elementary school classroom. There are multiple occasions listed in the policy where the student must interact directly with their teacher. These occasions include turning and picking up homework, setting up a conference to discuss ways late homework will not happen again, and going over classroom homework and expectations together as a class. These portions of the policy promote a positive social interaction. This scenario also positively promotes self-engagement and …show more content…
My Homework Policy: The purpose for assigning homework in my classroom is to reinforce material learned in class, for further practice, and to develop self-management skills. Homework also serves a purpose in connecting the classroom to the student’s parents. Homework will allow students to share with their parents what they are learning in class and allow the parents to be involved. The following are the general rules for homework in my classroom: • All classwork not completed in class will become homework. • All homework will be turned in the following day. For example, homework assigned for Monday night, will be due Tuesday morning. This excludes projects, or partner exercises. • My personal number will be given to all students and their parents and should be used for any questions one may have. • If a student has missing or late homework, they will be given 2 warnings and will meet with the teacher to figure out a plan on how late and/or missing homework won’t happen in the future. • After 2 warnings, the student will be asked to set up a meeting with the teacher and his/her parents to discuss a homework plan that works for the student. • Students have 2 days to complete and return any missed homework. • Any missed points on homework will be able to be corrected and turned in within 2 days of the original due date for 50% of points back. • Pertaining to the assignments students correct; there will be given student dollars to be spent in a number of ways.
For this specific class, Initial discussions are due by the 3rd day (Saturday at 11:59p) from post opening (Thursday at 12a), and the unit week closes on Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. If the assignment is posted after Wednesday at 11:59p.m it is considered late and it will not be accepted for grading. I think it is an important policy to enforce, because deadlines are necessary to enforce proper time management. One of my personal ambitions is to stay organized and on time for all assignments in my online classes. You can view what days your assignments are due in many different formats under the calendar tab in Canvas, or you can use the courses’ syllabus. In addition to being on time, the class requires the work is completed in Microsoft Office that is newer than 2007. If an assignment is completed in another program it will not be eligible for a
I accept late assignments; however, each late assignment will be penalized with a 10% grade deduction for each day late, unless you have made prior arrangements with me. Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m., the day after class meets. For this class, that would be11:59 p.m. on Fridays. If I do not receive it by that time, the assignment is considered late. Additionally, late assignments are not accepted for your final assignment. I am required to turn in grades within seven days of the last night of class. Any time you feel that you might be falling behind in the course, it is best to contact me to discuss your situation.
Due Date: First day of school, you may turn it in early at the front desk. 10 points will be deducted for each class period it is late. The first week of school I will see you anywhere from 3-5 days.
Students will receive a homework sheet near the end of class with remaining time the students will be able to start homework (not as a group) and ask any questions they may have before taking the worksheet home with them.
Each assignment should be completed by the end of the module in which it is assigned. All late work will be assessed a deduction of 5% per day of the assignment’s point value. Late work may not be penalized at the instructor’s discretion in the event of a military deployment, medical emergency, death in the family, or other extenuating circumstances.
All assignments are due on the assigned dates that are scheduled in class. Assignments are considered late if they are not turned in on the time that was designated to be handed in. All assignments turned in by next class period will be subjected to a non-negotiable 75% penalty. If it is handed in two days after the designated date, there will be a non-negotiable 50% penalty. Late work will not be accepted nor evaluated if turned in three or more class periods after the assignment was due.
Once they arrive in class, they will place the homework face down in the paper tray for the correct class period. These trays will be located at the back of the classroom and be clearly marked to ensure students are well aware of what basket is for their class. Students will be responsible for making sure that their name and the correct date is on the homework; if students do not write their name on the paper, they will not get credit for the assignment. Students who do not have their homework for whatever reason will be responsible for filling out a “missing homework” document on which they must list the class period, date and assignment missed, as well as the reason they do not have their work. Blank copies of this form will be located next to the homework tray. Once students have filled out the document, they will turn it into the tray like any other assignment. This will allow me to keep clear documentation regarding student work for future questions or concerns from parents or administrators. All of this needs to be completed before the bell rings to signal the beginning of class, as I will collect it during the first 5 minutes while students are working on bell work posted on the
Failure to do so results in an automatic 10% assignment grade reduction for every class period the assignment is late. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain class notes from any missed time from classmates.
At the beginning of the week, I did well with staying a day ahead of assignments. However, I have two online classes and the assignments for those classes are all due Friday, and I did not complete these assignments until the day they were due. After tallying my overall points
Goodson Middle School: 5 points will be deducted from the grade each day the assignment is not turned in for a maximum of 20 points (4 days late). If the assignment is not turned in by the 5th day, the grade is a zero.
▪ LATE WORK: Assignments are to be turned in on the due date at the BEGINNING of class. After that through the next block is 40 points off. Any other late work after that block will be taken at 40% credit. If there is an emergency, contact me BEFORE the due date to discuss extension options.
If someone get behind on quizzes and journals, probably like thirty percent of the student’s grade will already be deducted. This can also result with students failing or having a bad grade on their work. Student’s should know when they do not turn in work on time when it is due, you will receive a zero on quizzes or journals.
Positive Social Interaction In scenario two Mr. Collet has set up a homework policy that is very direct. At the beginning of the year he explains his homework policy to the student and then proceeds to send home a hand out that explains the policy to the parents. However Mr. Collet does not have a way to check if the parents actually read the handout. This is a very important step in teacher/parent communication.
Students can work on missing or current assignments if needed. Assignments due that day can be worked on and then turned into the teacher on time so no late assignments happen. Students getting work turned in on time can help relieve stress and improve their grades if they do well on the assignment. Students can work together on an assignment and help eachother out if one does not understand a part but the other student does.
Some people don't know exactly what homework is. Homework is defined as an out of class activity assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work(KidSource). There are three types of homework teachers generally give out. The first is Practice assignments, they are assignments that reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge(KidSource). An example of these assignments is writing definitions down for new words