
My Fourth Moment In My Writing

Decent Essays

My fourth moment was when I had found a hard time understanding what a thesis meant, but after reviewing many assignments and letters know I find it easy to understand. My way of understanding what a thesis means has helped me to write and think of arguments in my writing. One of my biggest and strong thesis was in the last RD1 which was the definition essay. I think that writing many thesis at the end it gets better because you’re thinking more of what a thesis means. In all my reading responds I always ended up with a low grade which it wasn’t good because it was affecting my grade. This is my fourth best moment even though it doesn’t shows as a good moment, but worst moment. The reason why for me this moment was the best moment it was because my writing was try to tell me that I didn’t extra help. I didn’t put much attention when teachers used to write on my papers until I decided to retake English 101 again. For example, capitalizing titles from books, magazines, and quotes. Not only did ii found it hard to …show more content…

Most of my writing papers weren’t as good as they supposed to, but after looking through each of my papers I realized many of my mistakes. There was one note from Olivia that had brought my attention right away which was “I think you will need extra help with your writing”. After reading all my mistakes I had already knew I could of fix, but I did not took the time to pre-read before turning my paper in. The thing that I learned that has been most helpful to me this year is how to write a first draft using correct punctuation. Before, I would always write a draft and make a few changes to it and call it my final copy. Now, I just get as much information as I can into a draft and revise and edit it as much as I can until the paper is due. Everything I learned this year has helped me to develop some sort of writing

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