
My Foundational Experience

Decent Essays

As a pre-teen, I was initially hesitant to try new challenges; however, at the

age of 13, after I participated in a religious, cultural ceremony, a foundation was laid

within me that allowed me to look beyond this moment to pursue new ideas. This

marked the beginning of my transition from childhood to adulthood.

In my religion, this foundational experience puts a 13-year-old male on the

pathway toward spiritual knowledge and adulthood. The outward symbol of this

ceremony is presenting the young male with a white, sacred thread. At this

moment, I realized I could no longer behave like a child. I recognized that I was

supposed to be more responsible to family, society, culture, and myself. Moreover, I

recognized that I needed to …show more content…

Through the influence of the ceremony, I was inspired to try and learn about

robotics in my freshman year of high school.

When I first entered the club I was nervous and scared. It was my first

opportunity to take a risk and see if I could succeed in applying my accrued

academic knowledge in this technical field. Immediately, my interest was peaked, so

I began to build a lever with simple tools and wooden materials. But, my true calling

was revealed when I noticed how just a few lines of code and a computer could

transform an inanimate construction of metal to a fully functioning robot. I was off

and running and became heavily captivated with the field of robotics.

Soon after, the instructor announced that there would be tryouts for the

electrical and mechanical engineering positions for each of the four teams. At first, I

was eager to prove to others and myself that I was ready for such responsibility, but

I soon became frightened when I compared my experience to others: I had almost

no experience in coding and wiring and was barely introduced to physics. The

tryouts started and my limited knowledge as a novice in robotics surfaced, and

unfortunately, I wasn’t

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