
My Forest - Original Writing

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As I was tramping through the my forest in the midst of fall I wandered away from my normal route into thicker undergrowth. Suddenly I stumbled right into a clearing of lush moss with a towering old oak right in the middle and a small crevice running around it, and marvelous view of the sunrise. The place I had, by chance, wandered into was simply beautiful. So for this I named it Great Tree, the greatest place in my forest. My forest is a small three acre plot of beautiful woodland with a variety of tree species and a few secrets tucked away.
The outer edge of almost any forest is quite thick and hard to break through so entrances are necessary, and my forest has three of them, one at the top one at the middle and another one right at the bottom. The top one is newest with some of the small trees still in a pile off to the side. The trail leading from the entrances curves a good amount because of a pile of large rocks and a long dead cedar tree. The trail quickly disappears because that area is rarely traveled and forgotten. The second trail is the most used one starting by an old weathered and scratched wooden swing. Then a few feet along a muddy walkway to a huge pointed flat stone with a portion of the tip broken. The last entrance is very old it is covered by a thin wall of tall undergrowth and hanging thrones yet when you slip through it there is a wide and flat trail leading to the Christmas Tree Grove,home of the spruce trees .
There is no dominant tree in my forest

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