“Do not be afraid”. That is my favorite motto to live by because every day, everyone faces some sort of fear. This short phrase reminds me to stay brave and focus on the good in my life and all around me. In my life, my greatest love is my family and friends. These 2 things keep me happy in life and they are all I need to get through anything in my life and help me follow my motto. These 2 things are also the things I treasure most in my life. In my friends, I value their ability to make me laugh, no matter the circumstances. There is not a day in my life where my friends don’t make me laugh. My greatest extravagance in my life is going on cruises in the cars that my dad brings home from his job. He works at a car lot in MN, and every day …show more content…
My favorite journey that I’ve taken in my life is my trip in Chicago. I went with my friend, her mom and sister, and my mom. We went to a concert, went to North Avenue beach, and ate out at many restaurants, which included Chicago style pizza. I have not decided on an occupation that is my favorite, but hopefully this changes later in my life. One talent that I would like to have would be a musical talent. One thing I’ve always thought was cool was playing an instrument, like a violin or piano. One of my favorite writers is John Green, however, I don’t have a favorite hero in fiction. My favorite names include Spencer, Carter, and Claire, although I’m sure there are more. The thing that I most dislike is when people are mean to others. My greatest fear is of bats. Something about them just freaks me out. These are just some of my favorites in my …show more content…
One thing people always compliment is my hair, so I think that it’s my most marked characteristic. However, the thing I dislike most about my appearance is my height; that’s another thing people always comment on. One thing I would change about myself is my confidence level. I am always doubting myself and if I could, it would be the thing I would change. As for my family, I would change how loud we are. We are always talking really loudly and it’s something I don’t like most of the time. The characteristic I like most in a woman is her humor; I always like when people can make me laugh. As for a man, I like when they are goodhearted. One trait I deplore in myself is my laziness. I always want to get out and do things, but I use my laziness as an excuse, and that’s something I hate. In others, the trait I most deplore is unfriendliness. Phrases that I overuse are “you know what?”, “OMG”, “like”, “why not?”. Some people in my life impact it more then they know. In my life, my biggest heroes are my parents. They are someone that I can always look up to for advice, laughter, and happiness. A person in my life I admire is my brother. He is always there for me and isn’t afraid to work for what he wants, stand up for what he believes in, and share his thoughts and opinions, all the time. He always knows how to make me happy, no matter the circumstances. I don’t have a historical figure that I identify with,
Now I believe that this is an extremely important motto due to the fact that you can use this in every aspect of your life as I stated above. If your mind and body are prepared for any obstacle that is thrown your way there is nothing that can stop you. This hits me strongly because I believe that when you set your mind to a goal in order to better yourself you need to set them out of reach so you continue to grow stronger as an individual.
Idols, role models, heroes: These are the people that we all look up to. As Christopher Reeve, who played the role of Superman in various movies, once said, “a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Throughout my life I have had multiple heroes, for a multitude of reasons. Helen Keller, for her ability to persevere despite the fact that she was both blind and deaf and yet was able to positively impact others. Amelia Earhart, for her bravery as the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Heidi Berry Krahn, for her incredible strength in times of hardship and her dedication and sacrifice as the founder and executive director of the Center for Animal Research and Education. People look up to their heroes, look up to their many attributes and accomplishments, and aspire to be like them. I have one hero that stands above all the rest, one that does all of the things my other
The person i consider to be the most inspiring and heroic is my dad Dr.Maurice Landers.Ther reason i consider him a hero is because he has made a big impact on mine and and others lives.He grew up in a small town of Mississippi called Port Gibson, there wasn't much there and he grew up in still accomplish his dreams.He exceeded his dreams, he went through college and almost failed the class that his job is mainly based but turned it all around on what he kept going and now we live in a beautiful house because he kept going.This is just one reason why he is a hero.
People have others that they admire like a friend, teacher, coach, or family member. The people they look up to are very important and help influence them in their lives. One influential person in my life is Jim Dunman because he is hard working, respected, and talented.
People like parents, Michael Jordan and Martin Luther King Jr are true heroes, but sometimes there are not so heroic people or
If I would have to choose a historical figure that inspires me most, it would have to be Andrew Carnegie. Coming to America as a scottish immigrant and digging himself out from the bottom class. He single handedly created Carnegie Steel, which allowed America to grow upwards with his steel as its backbone, and lifeblood. In the face of impossible odds he surpassed everyone's wildest imaginations of what a human being can accomplish and achieve in their lifetime.
Who is your hero? If that question was asked to a group of people, some might think of loved ones or family, and some may talk about doctors, firemen, or even a teacher. However, most would probably say their hero was some celebrity or star athlete. While some celebrities and athletes can justifiably be labeled "heroes", there are some people who may appear to be heroic, but lead a completely different life off the field.
As we grow up throughout life, we hold onto many heroes as they have impacted our life. Looking into my personal life, my hero consists of my mother, Darla Linden. She defined a hero as “a person stepping up in a situation without thinking they also are in harm 's way”(Linden, Darla). Throughout my lifetime my mom has been there for me since day one and has helped nurtured me.. She sacrifices many things for myself and for my family by providing us with our daily needs. I can always count on her to point me in the right direction by pursuing my dreams and wishes. I admire her caring heart and faithfulness the most because she would drop anything instantly to help someone else in need. She supports me in all of my extra curricular activities and motivates myself to bring out my full potential. I get inspired by her courageous character by never backing down to a challenge and always finishing through. When I asked my mom who she picked as her hero she said, “the service men and women of all branches who fight for our country”(Linden, Darla). They provide us with safety by sacrificing
Which, in my case the one who has influenced me the most into becoming a significant person would be my grandmother. She doesn’t let her sickness get in the way of helping others and telling me to never give up on my education. She would always say “work hard on anything that you believe in so even when times are tough.” My grandma is always there if needed either by helping in a way to get things done or by keeping people company. She’s full with an outstanding spirit, never asks for anything in return after getting the stuff done. It comes to show that her actions speak louder than words could ever do, By hearing all of the good things she does for people makes me want to become a better person. Therefore, I want to be able to assist people with a wide range of situations that they are facing
My personal heroes are my mom, teachers, mentors, and my uncle. My mom is one of my heroes because she
Almost everyone has someone they look up to. A person who inspires you in any way, shape or form. People that fulfill this role are very important, and can really define who you become. These people are called role models, and over the course of history there have been many. Religous figures like Jesus Christ, presidents like Abraham Lincoln and protestors like Martin Luther King Jr. have always been great inspirations.
If I have to describe someone as my hero, it would be Michelle Obama. She was the first lady of United States of America, the wife of President Obama. Her style simplified her courageous role as the first lady. She accomplished many achievements in her life, way before becoming the first lady. Her background as a child and an adolescent proved that Michelle was destined for greatness. According to (Firstladies.org), “she achieved academic success in elementary with being able to skip grades and being qualified as a “gifted student”. Along with achieving academic success in high school, and given a chance to attend Chicago first “magnet” high school, as well as college”. This alone only proves that she was already setting an example for how she wanted her life to be; let alone having a strong foundation at home. She is most
If you ask people what they could change about themselves, the answers will most likely be related to body issues, not having a certain illness, or wishing for more wealth. However, if presented with this question, I would respond with a desire to be more out spoken and not hide my feelings. After listening to the class presentations on phoniness in and around Blue Valley West, it has made me realize that hiding behind compliments as a means to ignore confronting issues could have a negative effect on my future, I decided that this was something I would like to improve on in the following year.
One person’s hero might seem equivalent to an another ordinary person to another. My father might not be world famous, but to me he’s just as much of a hero to me than any one of those people. Every day he works to ensure sure that I have an opportunity to succeed in life, have a peaceful life, and be able to grow as a person.
In life you have many people who influence you. Some aare good influences and some are bad influences. Although, the one person who influenced my life most would have to be my father. My father sacrificed alot in his lifetime to make his children's lives better. I adore my father he is a strong confident man and loves his family unconditionally. I have become the person I am today because of my father.