
My Father's Fight With Lymphoma Cancer

Decent Essays

In my narrative essay, I chose to write about an experience from my youth that has affected me as an adult. I explain the tragic and heartbreaking details of my father’s fight with Lymphoma cancer, and his eventual death when I was eleven years of age and every detail is true. Although the majority of the essay my pull on the reader’s heart strings, the main point made both in the thesis and at the end was that a positive lesson was learned that has impacted my life as an adult from particular event that took place the night before he passed away. This event was a time when I had to really reach into my being and show tremendous courage to hold myself together and not cry in front of my father, because if I had done so, he would have known that the cancer had spread to his brain, and that he was …show more content…

I personally prepared for this essay by closing my eyes and sitting still, while mentally revisiting the painful experience. Although doing this in itself was painful, it allowed me to remember small details through visualizing it in a sort of meditation; almost having the effect of a self-hypnosis. This enabled me not only to accurately describe the experience for the reader, but also gave me clues as to how to paint a picture for the reader, and explain what true courage is all about. I began freewriting after clearing my mind, and began typing after the visualization of the memory without thinking; letting my hands do all of the work and letting whatever came out flow. After I read over what I wrote, I made sure that it stayed focused on the subject, and made a few adjustments, while deleting unneeded or irrelevant details. I found my purpose was to express my feelings about the experience, and the aspects of courage I learned through the experience would either be to inform or persuade; possibly both. The strategy is narrating, as it is a narrative essay in APA format for

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