
My Family

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Family provides a basis for how we interact with the world; when meeting someone new, or doing a new action, I think back on what my family has taught me. I have a large family and each member has done something that has impacted me in some way, but I have really analyzed how my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents have impacted my life. There are several aspects to consider however for this analysis I will be focusing on these socioeconomic events: immigration, poverty, gender, educational attainment, death, and health problems.
A major event that has affected my family is the immigration from Mexico to the United States. My grandfather on my father’s side, Isauro Barrera, was an American citizen by technicality because of his parents, however my other grandparents, Rosa Barrera, Maria Velasquez, and Jesus Velasquez, were originally from Mexico. My grandfather on my mother’s side, Jesus, came to America often to work in the fields in the North, picking various things. My grandmothers would come to America only on small shopping trips primarily in border towns. When they came to America, my grandparents Jesus and Maria Velasquez, were both living in poverty and uneducated, which directly influenced how they raised their children; one of them being my mother. My grandmother Rosa, met my grandfather, married, and remained a housewife and cared for her six children; one of them being my father. Based on the time that they moved, I would say that the immigration act of 1965

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