
My Experience In High School

Decent Essays

As I begin my final year of high school, I reflect back onto my last graduation. I consider myself lucky to have attended a unique educational program. The school I attended for 9th grade wasn’t traditional. It was a 25 student Montessori program, serving grades 7-9, in accordance with Maria Montessori’s 3-year education system. I was in 7th grade when I entered the program from a traditional school, and I had never seen anything like it. Whether students were bringing back vegetables from the farm next door, cooking coffee cake for their peers to enjoy, feeding our flock of 5 chickens, or ordering this week’s office supplies - I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Yes, we had the traditional math, science, English, history and language classes, but the unique practical life aspects made it so much more than just a traditional school setting. It was a community full of opportunity and new experiences. This new take on education sparked a love for learning that I will carry with me for years to come. I remember the day I learned I would be the only member of my 9th grade class. Although looking back it was a little dramatic. I was worried. How could all my friends just leave without me? Was I making the right choice? What would I be missing out on? These worries filled my head for the months leading up to the first day of 9th grade year. They carried throughout the year, although I had friends younger than me, I was still alone. I was different than everyone I knew. I had made a choice that no one else had. I knew that I made the right choice, but knowing that I was on a different path scared me. Some days were difficult, but everything changed when I stopped to realize the growth that I was experiencing.
I reflect on my interest in psychology, which sprouted from the human development classes all 25 of us took in a small library in the farmhouse. We learned about how our brains were developing, why we felt what we felt, and how to understand and empathize with those around us. I enjoyed my volunteer work at the school’s main campus, working with preschoolers and learning about their development. I think back on how my love for photography developed from taking long walks around the farm, taking

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