
My Experience At High School

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For many people change is full of stressful and not welcome. Not a lot of people handle change well. It’s difficult to make changes when you are uncertain of what you want to be doing. Life is full of changes that are big and small. Some changes are taken solely by yourself, and others with a group of family or friends. Life is very dynamic and it always will be. I graduated high school and I was still seventeen. I had applied to colleges throughout my senior year just to show my parents that I was doing it. I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do after high school, which was my first change. There are unlimited paths to take once you graduate high school, I did not know which one was for me. I had friends who all had a path they wanted to go down and accomplish, and most of them to this day are still on that path. As for me, I have changed my mind over twenty times and changed schools three times in my first two years of college. My transition from high school to college did not go well. I wasn’t doing what everyone else was doing and I didn’t like that. I decided to start classes at UW Fond du lac’s two year campus where I started general education courses. My parents advised I do some sort of post education, and Fond du Lac is what we agreed on. I was not going to go to a four year and spend three times the money living there if I had no idea what I was doing in the first place. That part of my personality did not change from high school and still remains the same

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