
My Experience As A Dental Hygienist

Satisfactory Essays
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Before taking this course I was really excited about what I am going to learn. And I was right! This course is not only interesting but it is also helpful. I have learned that the grade I am having right now is the reflection of my try throughout the entire semester. I will not get an A, and I know that it is my fault. I should have work harder, I should have focus more on my lesson and homework, I shouldn’t wait until the last minus to finish assignments. Also, I should learn how to use time effectively. Those are experiences that I have learn about myself. The other thing which is more important is that I knew what I want to do in the future. Thanks to the assignments such as Career profile assignment, College comparison assignment, and …show more content…

And right now, I will definitely go for Dental hygiene. What a dental hygienist will basically do is clean teeth, examine patients for signs of oral diseases such as gingivitis, and provide other preventive dental care. They also educate patients on ways to improve and maintain good oral health. Those works are not 100% fit my personality and interest but it does fit 85%. However, it is really hard to get in this major because of its competition. I will try my best no matter what; since I love to help people, especially when my help could make themselves better. I want to cleaning stuff, such as detail things. Moreover, I love talking to people, not like talking to satisfy people but talking to give them …show more content…

From those information, I had an overview about the major then I could make a more specific plan.
To sum up, I really happy that I took this ACA class this semester, I have changed my major and that help to save a lot of time and money. I made some new good friends thank to the presentation project. I have learned some new experiences which I have to pay a high price. And I want to say thank you to Mrs. Barnes, who taught us with all of her

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