
My Experience And The After Effect Of Religious Influence On My Life

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The two forms of secondary socialization that I have chosen are Peer groups my experiences and the the effects, relating to a lack of peer acceptance. For my second form, I chose to discuss my experience and the after effects of religious influence on my life.
I feel that peer groups have contributed to my secondary socialization in many different ways. . Stukes Chipungu and Bent-Goodly (2004) states that children in foster care are often disadvantaged and struggle to form peer networks and support systems. My childhood was difficult, filled with neglect and abuse and I often lived in foster homes. This led to incessant bullying inflicted by my peers. Through primary school, I was referred to as poor, ugly, weird and a product of my parent’s poor choices. Although foster care is there to protect children it has been found that there are many instances of bullying by peers of children within out of home care. (Moira A. Szilagyi, 2015).
. Due to being referred to as a loser, gross and scum so frequently, my self-esteem dropped significantly. For many years, I struggled emotionally with being bullied. I was often ostracized, excluded from social events and chosen last for sports teams. The effects of long-term bullying are suggested that children experiencing bullying can become emotionally withdrawn and struggle to interact effectively with their peers (Masters in psychology guide, 2016)
As I grew older I quickly learned that in order to be accepted, I should act and behave

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