
My Ebaord Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

A team I have lead was my executive board when I was president of my fraternity.Some ways in which I built ownership of our shared goals was through effective deligation, open communication, and having a plan. Delegation is not simply askiing tasks or projects but utalizing my brothers for their strengths and supporting them in whatever they need in order to accomplish their responsibilities. Communication is important to be able to get input from my Ebaord because their opinions of important decisions for the fraternity needs to be respected and counted equal. Although not all of their opinions will be able to be acted upon everytime but the feeling of at least being heard led to more trust, collabroation and enaggement from my eboard memebers as the year went on. …show more content…

Being able to make clear key objectives with a timeline was helpful to keep us on track, for motivation, and hold accountability. We discussed our vision and plan for the chapter for the next 6 months, year, and three years. Being able to see where not only each member fit within the plan but also their chair positions below them was helpful with casting the vision of where the chapter is going.One of our specific goals was to build a stornger foundation in our values that we were built opon. We looked at our values of leadership, fraternal, intellectual, social and spiritual to evaluate where our strengths and weaknesses fall. From here we were able to make key objectives of areas in which we wanted to imporve which were brotherhood, spirituality, and recruitment. We bainstormed ways in which to reach these through trainings, events, leadership styles and techniques. From here we came up with SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, time-bound) to work towards a stornger sense fo our values. This plan had really good results by the end of the

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