
My Development Within The Study Skills

Decent Essays


An Essay about Study Skills

In this assignment I am going to reflect on my development within the study skills module. Throughout the module I have learnt about many different forms of study skills and aids to be able study effectively. I feel that I do still have a lot to learn about them and how they will help with my future studies. Coming back into study after such a long break was very daunting for me, but once I settled in I knew I had all the tools needed to help with my studies I just had to improve upon them. I have chosen to write about three subjects that I feel have helped me the most, these are Motivation, Learning Styles and Time Management. I feel that the use of these skills have helped me the …show more content…

I can relate to this as I did spend a lot of time not wanting to start this essay due to my initial lack of interest in the subjects. I found myself putting off starting the essay due to not having a good knowledge of the different styles and skills. I do find it easier to stay motivated when the subject is interesting to me and has purpose to my own studies. After spending time researching into all the different learning styles I found that some of the different styles did in fact relate to myself, I could also put them into place in my work for the study skills module and that they would also help with my future studies. I have come to realise that study isn’t always going to be easy and that it wouldn’t always come naturally if it’s a subject I am finding difficult or not really enjoying. To keep myself motivated through difficult subjects I will need to ensure I keep my future goals in mind. My Main motivation throughout has always been keeping focused on what I want to achieve and my future goals. One of my goals is to complete the university certificate with good grades to enable me to be able to gain the required entry criteria to attend university on the Midwifery program. Another one of my goals is to gain knowledge on how to study at higher education level and completion of this course will help me with being able to complete assignments and learn new skills. When I first started this course I was worried I wouldn’t be able to

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