For my Definition Essay, I really enjoyed writing about my favorite movies, and analyzing what makes an entertaining movie. The first struggle I had was coming up with the top 10 list. The Definition Essay really helped me with organizing my writing. Making the lists and coming up with similarities was a easy way to find an idea for my concrete details. The definition essay was a good start to the semester. Starting off with an essay topic of my choosing, was easier to write about. The progress through this essay is an good way to gather ideas for future essays.Through writing this piece I mastered defining terms. In this essay I would’ve changed the grammar mistakes. Also having someone going over the essay before I turn it on. My paper on Capital Punishment was very interesting to research. I never knew how many people were affected by the death penalty each year. Over time, through learning more I saw how much of an issue it was. I don’t believe it’s right to take someone’s life as a …show more content…
Multicultural Literature may of been my favorite class this one was more benefical. Along with this class and all the help I recieved with my writing I made some great friends. The College Essay was the most helpful for my future. This essay could possibly be used as a college admission essay. Also the other notes and topics we wrote down can be formed into an essay. After the class I see my strengths as showing a story instead of telling it. On the other hand, I will have to continue to focus on my grammar. If a professor was to say, “write and essay” I would have multiple different types of essays I could write; a narrative piesce, a Rhetorical Analstit, a Argumetive, a persuasive, or a research paper. These will all be possible because of the notes and previous essays. With doing the profile I was able to see there should be some pre planning for a good essay. With pre planning it is a easy way to keep your essay
This English class was the best English class I have ever had. There were no tests, vocabulary quizzes, or in class essays, which made the class less stressful. Before this English class, I was afraid that I would not enjoy writing many essays or writing so many words in one paper. Afterwards, essays have become something that is not so much my favorite task in the world, but it has become more enjoyable to an extent. Professor Sullivan’s class has taught me to formally write a research paper, to analyze a book through responding to different quotes from the story or novel, to understand magical realism, and to understand my own passion for school and how much effort I will be willing to put out in years to come.
English class has never been my strong suite. I always had to work twice as hard in English then I did in any other class. Writing paper always had me stressed and overwhelmed, I felt discouraged in my work. l never seemed to be able to get to the level I wanted to. I would try my hardest and paid attention in class, but when it came to writing the paper none of that seemed to help. I think that my experience in English Composition 1 has helped gain and grow in some areas, but I don’t think that it highlights a well-written college essay. Some elements that I worked to improving was introduction paragraphs, tone, style, and thesis statements.
English Composition I has developed my style of writing and my skills analyzing and researching topics to write a piece about a topic. Throughout the course, I got better at analyzing articles and pieces to get the meaning of the topic. With that improved skill I was more able to use the information given from the text and install it into my essays, with proper citation if needed. Before taking the English Composition course, I was not one to organize my essays in an ordeal order to clearly state the point of the work. Now with taking the course, I have learned to organize my essays, examine research for a topic, and develop an essay with proper mechanics, and revising skills. In writing my personal, review, analytical, and cultural
The experience of writing a personal narrative essay was engrossing. I learned a lot about my thought process, my manner of analysis and my writing procedure for this genre. Furthermore, I understood the difference between a literature review and the
Define my worldview. First I will explain what is a worldview. A worldview is known as a framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. Worldview is basic on ideology, philosophy, theology, movement, or religion that provides an overreaching approach to understanding God, the world and man’s relations to God and the world.
Essays -- they are a fact of life in college, whether your major is Ballroom Dance or English Literature. This is something that can be quite intimidating to students without a lot of writing experience. However, there is a tool that provides a framework for all of that writing. The classic five paragraph essay is the foundation that everything from exam answers to Doctoral dissertations are built upon. This form can make your college career just a bit less stressful. The useful and versatile five paragraph essay format can be broken down into three easy pieces: introduction, body, and closing. A great deal of life's events start with an introduction, and those that do not probably should have! An introduction is a clear and concise way of
Middle school is the transition from being a 5th grader who walked in lines everywhere they go to being able to do whatever until 7:40 A.M. Within reason of course. Those lockers are tiny and the combinations are new adaptations. You hide your stash of gum inside your locker the aroma is pleasant unless your gym clothes are inside.You hear your phone buzz off and remember to shut the thing off. You see textbooks the size of China inside and your big backpack full of homework. You grab for your books and then shut in with force and off class you go.
The third essay that was written was a critical argument. This assignment required me to choose two articles from the school library and write an essay stating my opinion on a particular subject. The topic I chose was medical marijuana. This topic was interesting to me, so it made the assignment fun. On this essay I had fewer mistakes than in previous essays. I continued to struggle with APA citation and the use of commas. When I looked at the feedback from this essay, it gave me confidence. I felt that I was learning and my writing skills were improving.
“You're the sweetest and nicest guy any girl could have.” This phrase means a lot to me because Emilee tells me this all the time and it means the world to me and I am so lucky to have that said to me every once in awhile. When I hear those words come out of her mouth it is like an angel came down and was saying that I did something right and I should keep doing whatever it is that I am doing. Besides her saying those words to me I should know by now that I shouldn't have to have her say those words to me to tell me I did something right, I should know by they way she acts, talks, and even the way she smiles. When I really know I did something that was nice or something that is good Is she will put this big smile on her face and show me that
At the beginning of this class we wrote the Definition essay. I wrote about what makes a sports movie truly great. This essay was a real grind for me. I had a difficult time trying to think of what I wanted to write the essay about and how to make it interesting. I was able to find 10 sports movies that I thought were really good or really bad, but when I went to write my essay I used the same four movies for all three
Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary[1][1] defines art as “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also, works so produced.” This definition is inclusive of most forms of art. Unfortunately, art goes far beyond this limiting sentence. Art can be thoughts, aesthetic creations, musical compositions, or choreography. Art can be seen, heard, and/or felt. Art is concrete and abstract, at the same time. Art is expression and emotion. Art is anything.
My word is effort. My word is effort because if you want to do prime at something you have to give it all of your effort. Also in sports you have to give it all your effort Like in football you have to always have to give all of your effort and you have to do that every play every game. Also it doesn’t matter about your height you can be really bitty and still start on nose guard in football and school you have to give all your effort to get a excellent grade on a test. Although in work you have to give lots of effort so you have money for your family. What I think effort means is to never back down from your goals. Meanwhile, in wrestling you always have a chance to put them on their back and win if your down by a lot. Also every where
What is an individual? How can one become an individual? Is it even possible to become an individual in society? Can we successfully distinguish ourselves from the majority to make our own decisions? How does your family affect your personality and every day decision making: your ethics and morals? How does your childhood affect you today? How does it affect our subconscious-something we can not control and we do not have access to? Is it possible to go back in time and completely erase everything we have been taught through years of brainwashing and manipulation, not only from the system that we are brought up in but also the family and lifestyles that are now part of us?
I’m worried. Right now I am sitting in a little cafe in downtown LA, waiting for him to get here. Looking around at the details in this place helps to distract my mind, [ADD RANDOM DETAILS HERE]. The lights above me are shaped like squares and rectangles, they are soft but at the same time light up the place very well. Everything in this cafe is very modern and has a relaxing vibe to it. The table I am sitting at is in the corner and facing the windows, so I look to my left to take a glance at the menu above the counter where you order, and I hear the bells jingle as someone opens the door. As I turn to look who it is, my heart is beating out of my chest, I’m not ready to see him yet. But oh, thank god it’s not him. It was just a
English class seemed to be the most dreadful to take within school. Writing essays for most of my grade in a class is not what I was looking forward too. When I entered college I knew that it would be one of many challenging classes I would have to take. Starting from the lowest English class to moving on up, the writing assignments became longer and more thought out. The time came when I got into this class that I knew more work was going to have to be put into essays and thus brought out what I had not seen before in my work progress.