
My Critical Thinking

Decent Essays

If you asked my parents what I was like as a child, they would answer with “curious”. Ever since I was little, I have found myself questioning everything around me. I have always wanted to know how books were printed, how ovens worked, where the water from faucets came from. In search of these answers, I would pester my parents with questions such as these daily. When my parents did not know the answers, they would ask, “Well, what do you think?” My parents, with the intention of fostering within me critical thinking skills, would ask for my own analysis of nearly anything up for debate. In spite of this ever-present desire to teach me to form my own opinions, there were a few exceptions to this rule of emphasizing independent thought. Or …show more content…

This change of setting was at first a difficult adjustment. Suddenly, I found myself in an unfamiliar environment with an entirely new and different culture. Students were often more free spirited and individualistic, and came from a wide array of diverse backgrounds and upbringings. At first, this new space was confusing and difficult to navigate. But as time went on, I grew accustomed to these changes through trial and error, persistence, and by doing one thing out of my comfort zone each day. These tasks I would create for myself were often relatively simple endeavors such as starting a conversation with someone new or speaking up in class, but at the time they were vital to my growth. It is the result of this that I today attend a school at which I feel comfortable, motivated, free, and have a fulfilling social life. The skills that I have gained due to this change are applicable to my future at Rutgers University. The shift from a small school of only 300 or so Jewish males to an institution with over 1,200 diverse students in attendance has given me the skills to tackle new challenges and adapt to unfamiliar environments. This transition to Rutgers will bring exciting new opportunities to challenge myself and to learn about others and the world around me. Rutgers University is a thriving environment that is home to a diverse and bright student body to which I would be a valuable

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