Identify an event, during your clinical experiences, that sticks out to you the most. The event that stood out the most to me during my clinical experience this month was when my assigned patient and her family began asking questions about the care the patient was receiving and other non-medical related questions. Explain the circumstances surrounding this event (who, what, when, where, and how). During my shift on 3 center, I was assigned to a stable patient that had received a total hysterectomy the day prior. During my time caring for the patient she and her family had questions that I did not know the answers to. Most of the questions were about the patient, such as when can she get up and go for a walk, when would she be able
I sincerely believe that I accomplished my goals this week. I realized that I served 14 patients by combining the ability of knowledge, my attitude for excellence that I have consistently defeat the odds to become the very best Nurse practitioner; I can become. This clinical experience brings forth many opportunities and achievements. The most important experience this week; I had the ability to identify as primary healthcare provider a high risk need for the patient to be transferred to the Hospital for further evaluation without delay; due to complaints of “leg cold from the knee down to the feet”, which my evaluation was based on evidence practice knowledge of compassion and skill with the autonomy to practice, diagnose, and treat patients
Throughout my clinical experiences, there have been quite a few circumstances I have been placed in that have remained with me whether good or bad. All of them have been learning experiences for me whether it is how to improve and to do better next time from a mistake, for me to learn that this is or is not how a patient should be treated, how to handle family situations, and many others. One experience that I was able to participate in that will remain with me because I had not experienced this before was during my critical care rotation in the fall of 2015. This patient was dying and we were implementing comfort care for him.
Comparing my clinical experiences from last semester to this semester, I would say that I have already experienced more this semester than I would have at this time last semester. Even though I am doing LNA work while incorporating RN aspects, I feel the work that we are doing this semester is more RN aspect based rather than LNA work. Clinical was my favorite part of last semester, and it is still my favorite part of the semester. Over the past couple of weeks at Riverside, I have had numerous new experiences, including following a nurse, following the wound care nurse, and going in on my day off to follow both the wound nurse and the nurse practitioner of the facility.
This clinical observation (02/12/2018) focused on the different elements of patient assessment, treatment planning to the implementation of dental hygiene care.
After a total of three clinical days so far, I have already encountered different situations and gained a great deal of experience. However, one particular event seems to stand out and this event happened on my third clinical day. In this episode, I was trying to get the patient up from bed to get her ready for breakfast but she refused to cooperate.
For my Clinical experience, I was referred to one of community clinics run by nurse practitioners - yes, NPs- in Suffolk County in Long Island by my coworker. It is called “Nightingale Preventative Care.” I am working in the ER and at first, I thought this clinic would be a type of urgent care office which is a similar setting to the ER. I was totally wrong. For the past two weeks, this place has surprised me many ways and I learned about what the community clinic is alike to its neighbors. Patients can be seen by NPs by the appointment. However, it is located inside of K-mart and has many walk-in patients as well. Many patients who come to visit for their check-up have no medical insurance. Every Wednesday, a representative from Fidelis Care insurance company comes and provides information about Medicaid and Medicare service the company has. I really like to sit down with patients and assess about their medical histories and family histories which I cannot do often in the ER. I had a patient who was Hepatitis A Ab, Total positive Abnormal first day I work at the clinic. He didn’t understand what the test result meant and neither did I. I printed out an article from National Library of Medicine and went over with him. Patient’s education in the ER rarely happens from nurses. I felt great to listen what patients tried to lose their weight or quit smoking. I like to continue on developing skills on patient’s education and preventative care measure for patients.
During my first day of clinical, I encountered an issue that I believe is very significant. As a student nurse, our duty for this day was to follow our health care aide around the ward and assist in completing resident care. The resident required assistance in many of her daily tasks. The health care aide asked if I would perform one of those and do perineal care for her. I turned down her offer because I did not feel comfortable with my skill level. The resident had a bowel movement during the night. There was a significant odour in the room that overwhelmed me. I really wanted to leave the room because it was so unpleasant, but I stayed in the room so that the resident would not be embarrassed. This feeling of embarrassment, I assume,
My first clinical experience for this nursing program was completed at New England Rehab Hospital. I walked in with some clinical experience but no experience in the realm of nursing or certified nursing assistants (CNA). During that first semester we followed CNAs to understand their job and gain basic nursing skills like bathing patients, bed making and other daily tasks. It was useful and I’m still happy we were able to have that experience. A situation that made me uncomfortable during that semester that one particular CNA never sanitized his hands when entering and exiting a patient’s room. In most hospitals and nursing facilities there is a “pump in, pump out” rule to abide by when entering and exiting a patients room rule to ensure health care workers are not spreading bacteria to themselves and other patients. This particular CNA admitted to me that he pretends to push the hand sanitizer and rub his hands together without actually getting any sanitizer in his hands. His reasoning was that he found it overly drying to use the sanitizer so frequently despite the hospital providing lotion as well.
Discuss a clinical experience in which you had to incorporate one or more learning styles such as visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. Explain the outcomes and how you created an effective learning experience.
One challenge I was faced with while on CE I, was while working with a patient she was talking badly about one of the receptionist. The patient calling the receptionist incompetent, since the receptionist had messed up the patient’s appointment time for the second time in two weeks. I was put in an uncomfortable position because I did not want to be rude to the patient, but also did not want to be apart of the patient talking badly about my coworker.
Also, the objective is to find patient’s document finding and correlate it with chronic disease process of elderly adults. With this reflection, I will discuss what I’ve learned, and my strengths and weakness in my clinical experience.
Looking back to the first day of clinical to the last day I have changed a lot during this time. During the whole clinical experience I had to use a lot of the growth mindset in-order to get fully through the whole process. My clinical teacher and I didn’t quite have the same opinion on certain things. While we did struggle through are different mindsets, it was a great learning experience. I will have people I work with that I don’t always agree with and I will have to find a way to compromise with them. This was something we talked about with each other and worked through. So, Im grateful in that aspect in learning how to deal with those situations. I also changed in that I’m more confident in giving my lessons to my students, along with I tried to not be as scared in-front of them.
Since first year we have learned how to communicate with patients in the hospital through the proper skills that professors have taught us to use. Often, when we communicate with our patients it takes place at the bedside. Because I have been practicing communication since first year I had some idea of what it may be like when I met the family. Before my visit I wrote a number of questions that I planned to ask my family when I met them. It was challenging for me because I wasn’t sure if the questions were acceptable to ask, and I did not want to break privacy or ask inappropriate questions. During my first visit I realized that I was using nursing terminology when I was asking a question and when I was explaining an assignment.
The case that I have chosen to reflect on was a patient that was already staying on a ward within the hospital, the patient was rushed to the emergency theatre late at night from the ward with a suspected internal bleed, the cause and exact location of the bleed was unknown, the patient presented a complex case for the theatre staff as the patient 's condition was largely unpredictable along with the amount of blood loss that the patient could lose. My role within the theatre team was on the anaesthetic side, I was supported by my mentor who I feel I have learned a vast amount of
Nursing students face many challenges due to their narrow scope of practice, and lack of experience and knowledge. This changes with the development and learning of values and beliefs, which shape the decision making in the nursing process. During my clinical nursing practice experience as a new nursing student, I have had amazing learning opportunities as well as situations that made me feel uncomfortable, powerless, and dependent on the assigned nurse. In this paper I will talk about one of my clinical experiences where I felt powerless, analyze it, and show how the sociopolitical inquiry and power dynamics come into play in my story.