
Reflection Paper On Clinical Experience

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Section One My first clinical experience for this nursing program was completed at New England Rehab Hospital. I walked in with some clinical experience but no experience in the realm of nursing or certified nursing assistants (CNA). During that first semester we followed CNAs to understand their job and gain basic nursing skills like bathing patients, bed making and other daily tasks. It was useful and I’m still happy we were able to have that experience. A situation that made me uncomfortable during that semester that one particular CNA never sanitized his hands when entering and exiting a patient’s room. In most hospitals and nursing facilities there is a “pump in, pump out” rule to abide by when entering and exiting a patients room rule to ensure health care workers are not spreading bacteria to themselves and other patients. This particular CNA admitted to me that he pretends to push the hand sanitizer and rub his hands together without actually getting any sanitizer in his hands. His reasoning was that he found it overly drying to use the sanitizer so frequently despite the hospital providing lotion as well. This was troubling to me because the rule is exists because research has proven it decreases infections in hospitals and the CNA was actively ignoring the risk he was bringing to his patients. I felt uncomfortable as the new student and the way he said it so nonchalantly made me feel like I simply did not understand how things really happened in hospitals yet.

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