I was six years when my grandfather died. He was very close to me and whenever I go missing my mother new where to look for me. His health stated deteriorating and he was rushed to hospital and died the following day. Death had taken away a close friend who would tell us stories as we sat at his feet. I did not get to see his body but I still remember him being lowered to the grave near our house. My first time to experience a patient die while I see was until I was in nursing college on the first week of clinical experience rotation in a medical ward. He had been has hypertension, asthma and congestive heart failure and he was dyspneic the whole morning. We got to his bed to check the vital signs and he was gasping, looked tired and had a
I sincerely believe that I accomplished my goals this week. I realized that I served 14 patients by combining the ability of knowledge, my attitude for excellence that I have consistently defeat the odds to become the very best Nurse practitioner; I can become. This clinical experience brings forth many opportunities and achievements. The most important experience this week; I had the ability to identify as primary healthcare provider a high risk need for the patient to be transferred to the Hospital for further evaluation without delay; due to complaints of “leg cold from the knee down to the feet”, which my evaluation was based on evidence practice knowledge of compassion and skill with the autonomy to practice, diagnose, and treat patients
The event that stood out the most to me during my clinical experience this month was when my assigned patient and her family began asking questions about the care the patient was receiving and other non-medical related questions.
During the shift when I cared for him, the nurse and I would go in to provide for the family and the patient to the best of our ability. We would routinely go in and assess the patient and the morphine drip, and I remember how quickly the patient’s blood pressure was going down the entire shift. Our goal that night was to keep the patient comfortable. He
Comparing my clinical experiences from last semester to this semester, I would say that I have already experienced more this semester than I would have at this time last semester. Even though I am doing LNA work while incorporating RN aspects, I feel the work that we are doing this semester is more RN aspect based rather than LNA work. Clinical was my favorite part of last semester, and it is still my favorite part of the semester. Over the past couple of weeks at Riverside, I have had numerous new experiences, including following a nurse, following the wound care nurse, and going in on my day off to follow both the wound nurse and the nurse practitioner of the facility.
When I was 7 years old I attended a funeral for my great grandfather. He was 105, and had lived a full life. I wasn’t very close to him but seeing him in the casket was so odd and he looked like an alien. I was a curious child so I stood in front of the casket just observing the body and glancing around at the sadness that this room was filled with. My uncle joined me and asked me if I had said spoken to my great grandfather. I just looked up at him and said “No, he is dead”, since I was pretty certain dead people didn’t talk anymore. Well, he proceeded to tell me that if I asked him a question, my great grandfather would indeed respond. I didn’t ask since I was already scared at this point. My uncle did for me, he asked, “Grandpa, if you
When I was 12 my grandfather died of cancer. I knew he was sick and was dying but we never discussed it. I was able to see my grandfather before he died and was able to attend his funeral. Two years later my grandmother died suddenly and we were able to attend his funeral. I vaguely remember attending a couple other funerals but I was really too young to understand what exactly was going on.
For my Clinical experience, I was referred to one of community clinics run by nurse practitioners - yes, NPs- in Suffolk County in Long Island by my coworker. It is called “Nightingale Preventative Care.” I am working in the ER and at first, I thought this clinic would be a type of urgent care office which is a similar setting to the ER. I was totally wrong. For the past two weeks, this place has surprised me many ways and I learned about what the community clinic is alike to its neighbors. Patients can be seen by NPs by the appointment. However, it is located inside of K-mart and has many walk-in patients as well. Many patients who come to visit for their check-up have no medical insurance. Every Wednesday, a representative from Fidelis Care insurance company comes and provides information about Medicaid and Medicare service the company has. I really like to sit down with patients and assess about their medical histories and family histories which I cannot do often in the ER. I had a patient who was Hepatitis A Ab, Total positive Abnormal first day I work at the clinic. He didn’t understand what the test result meant and neither did I. I printed out an article from National Library of Medicine and went over with him. Patient’s education in the ER rarely happens from nurses. I felt great to listen what patients tried to lose their weight or quit smoking. I like to continue on developing skills on patient’s education and preventative care measure for patients.
During my first day of clinical, I encountered an issue that I believe is very significant. As a student nurse, our duty for this day was to follow our health care aide around the ward and assist in completing resident care. The resident required assistance in many of her daily tasks. The health care aide asked if I would perform one of those and do perineal care for her. I turned down her offer because I did not feel comfortable with my skill level. The resident had a bowel movement during the night. There was a significant odour in the room that overwhelmed me. I really wanted to leave the room because it was so unpleasant, but I stayed in the room so that the resident would not be embarrassed. This feeling of embarrassment, I assume,
When I was six my uncle was tragically taken away from us and it took about 8 years before the person who
Discuss a clinical experience in which you had to incorporate one or more learning styles such as visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. Explain the outcomes and how you created an effective learning experience.
One challenge I was faced with while on CE I, was while working with a patient she was talking badly about one of the receptionist. The patient calling the receptionist incompetent, since the receptionist had messed up the patient’s appointment time for the second time in two weeks. I was put in an uncomfortable position because I did not want to be rude to the patient, but also did not want to be apart of the patient talking badly about my coworker.
A patient experience that stands out as significant is the day my brother in law came to the clinic. This patient stands out as significant because I did my periodontal presentation on him. My brother in law is class III moderate periodontitis and he has never been seen at a dental clinic, until now. I started my periodontal presentation by talking about his risk factors. I told him that smoking is the number one cause of periodontitis and the severity increases throughout the years. I continued my presentation by comparing health from disease with a periodontal probe. After that, I showed him his radiographs and pointed to the areas where he had bone loss. I explained to him that bone supports teeth and without bone teeth start to lose support.
Due to AMCAS’s limit of 15 activities, I was not able to list all of my medically-related experiences. One such experience was my volunteer experience at Healing Hands Ministries, a Dallas clinic that provides low-cost health care to underprivileged patients. My role as a volunteer consisted of filling out clinic-related paperwork, checking patients in, and escorting patients to their examination rooms. I volunteered for Healing Hands Ministries from January 2015 until August 2015 for a total of 40 hours.
I clearly remember the day I found out about my granddad's passing. I was at school. It was a normal, joyful day. My dad was planning on picking me up, but instead my friend's mom picked me up. He would not tell me why, but I did not think much of it. I remember the car ride to my house. My friend's mom would not tell me why she was driving me home; all she told me was, "Just know, Ryan, that we will be here for you no matter
Since I started my clinical experience I feel I have grown tremendously. At first everything was new and fast paced. It was overwhelming and I felt like a deer in head lights at times. I have gotten better at paying attention to details and, observing my patient before we enter the exam room. I feel more comfortable in the exam room compared to when we started which has led to more confidence. At first I was timid when it came to doing exams, however now I just go and do them without hesitation just for the experience. I think have taken great strides since we started, but there is still more to learn and improve on. This week I got to spend time in the ortho clinic